P5 |
Poster 5@Poster2021年08月27日 12:00~13:30
时刻表 V4 发布时间:2021-08-26 10:02:05 |
开始 | 结束 | 持续 | 编号 | 标题 |
P5-WBG Device Applications | ||||
Chair: Song Xiong, Wuhan University of Technology / Deliang Wu, Shanghai University | ||||
12:00 | 12:05 | 5 | 22 |
Design of a High Power Density Bidirectional AC/DC Converter Based on GaNJiajia Guan/Huazhong University of Science and Technology
12:05 | 12:10 | 5 | 12 |
Dual-Side Three-stage Asymmetric Phase Shift Strategy for Bidirectional Inductive Power Transfer System with SiC Power ModuleHaowen Chen student/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
12:10 | 12:15 | 5 | 40 |
A GaN-based High Power-density Power Optimizer for Solar-powered Aircraft Applicationspeng chen/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,College of Automation
12:15 | 12:20 | 5 | 64 |
Over-Voltage and Oscillation Suppression Circuit with Switching Losses Optimization and Clamping Energy Feedback for SiC MOSFETYang ChengZi/Xi’an Jiaotong University
12:20 | 12:25 | 5 | 33 |
Improved One Cycle Control for Three-Phase Three-Wire VIENNA RectifierJunnan Gu/Shanghai University
12:25 | 12:30 | 5 | 18 |
Design Methodology of SiC MOSFET Based Bidirectional CLLC Resonant Converter for Wide Battery Voltage RangeMingjie Liu/State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, P. R. China
12:30 | 12:35 | 5 | 54 |
Research on A Novel Parallel Resonant DC Link Soft-switching Inverter Based on SiC MOSFETSi Li doctoral candidate/Harbin Institute of Technology
12:35 | 12:40 | 5 | 32 |
Research on strategy of parallel wide range bidirectional DC DC converterZehui Peng/Shanghai University
12:40 | 12:45 | 5 | 29 |
Soft Precharging Method for Four-Level Hybrid-Clamped ConverterYihui Zhao/Chongqing university
12:45 | 12:50 | 5 | 23 |
Active Magnetic Bearing Amplifier Design based on SiC DevicesGang Cao/Huazhong University of Science and Technology
12:50 | 12:55 | 5 | 30 |
Design and Verification of Gate Driver for 6.5 kV SiC MOSFET ModuleYijian Wang/Huazhong University of Science and Technology
12:55 | 13:00 | 5 | 52 |
A Novel ACDC Single-Phase Bridgeless SEPIC PFC Converter With Reduced Conduction Losses and Simple StructureXiang Lin/Shanghai University
13:00 | 13:05 | 5 | 68 |
Power Cycling Capabilities of Bond Buffer Technologies for Wide Bandgap Power DevicesNan Jiang/Guangdon Academy of Sciences
13:05 | 13:10 | 5 | 8 |
DC Transform Circuit Design Based on Multiplier RectificationPenghui Yin/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology
13:10 | 13:15 | 5 | 46 |
LLC Resonant Converter Based on Trench Gate SiC MOSFETJinkun Chu/Anhui University of Technology
13:15 | 13:20 | 5 | 59 |
Fractional-Order Model Predictive Control of SiC PFC ConverterQihui Fu/Hunan University
13:20 | 13:25 | 5 | 49 |
Mode Switchover Strategy for Multi-port Energy Router Based on State Flow DiagramZhiguo Wei/,China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
13:25 | 13:30 | 5 | 42 |
An Integrated GaN-Based Power Module Based on the Cooling-System-Inductor StructureLongyang Yu/Xi'an Jiaotong University
13:30 | 13:35 | 5 | 81 |
An Intergrated Buck-Boost Converter with SRC for Wide Input VoltageYanqing Wang/China-EU Institute for Clean and Renewable Energy, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
P4 |
Poster 4@Poster2021年08月27日 12:00~13:30
时刻表 V4 发布时间:2021-08-26 10:02:05 |
开始 | 结束 | 持续 | 编号 | 标题 |
P4-WBG Device Reliability | ||||
Chair: Yi Liu, Wuhan University of Technology / Donghai Zhu, Huazhong University of Science and Technology | ||||
12:00 | 12:05 | 5 | 53 |
Comparison of the Influence of Reverse Conduction on EMI of WBG And Si Devices
Ru Zhang/School of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University
12:05 | 12:10 | 5 | 4 |
An Improved Desaturation Protection Method with Self-Adaptive Blanking-Time for Silicon Carbide (SiC) Power MOSFETsJiawei Li/Huazhong University of Science and Technology
12:10 | 12:15 | 5 | 63 |
Degradation behavior and mechanism of SiC power MOSFETs by total ionizing dose irradiation under different gate voltagesKexin Gao/Xiangtan University
12:15 | 12:20 | 5 | 9 |
Single-Pulse Avalanche Failure Characterization of Single and Paralleled SiC MOSFETsHua Mao/Chongqing university
12:20 | 12:25 | 5 | 14 |
Modeling and Experimental Verification of Common Mode Crosstalk with Shield Cables in Power Converter SystemRuizhou Xue/Huazhong University of Science and Technology
12:25 | 12:30 | 5 | 39 |
Influence of CucorAl wire bonding on reliability of SiC devicesFang Chao/Zhuzhou CRRC Times Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
12:30 | 12:35 | 5 | 27 |
Short-circuit Protection Circuit of SiC MOSFET Based on Drain-source Voltage IntegralZhidong Qiu/Beijing Jiaotong University
12:35 | 12:40 | 5 | 60 |
Design of Aging Test System for SiC MOSFET ModulesChaoyue Shen Student/Shanghai University,School of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation
12:40 | 12:45 | 5 | 50 |
Degradation mechanism of AlGaN/GaN HEMT based on high temperature reverse bias stressMeng Lu/Xiangtan University
12:45 | 12:50 | 5 | 48 |
A Dynamic Current Sharing Method in Multi-chip SiC Power Module Using Stacked DBC Bridges and Decoupling Capacitors Based on the Original Simple Module LayoutJianwei Lv/Huazhong University of Science and Technology
12:50 | 12:55 | 5 | 36 |
EMI Noise Reduction in GaN-based Full-bridge LLC ConverterYue Cao Student/Xi'an Jiaotong University
P3 |
Poster 3@Poster2021年08月27日 12:00~13:30
时刻表 V4 发布时间:2021-08-26 10:02:05 |
开始 | 结束 | 持续 | 编号 | 标题 |
P3-WBG Device Modeling | ||||
Chair: Zhijian Fang, China University of Geosciences / Hao Feng, Chongqing University | ||||
12:00 | 12:05 | 5 | 43 |
Dynamic gate leakage current of p-GaN Gate AlGaN/GaN HEMT under positive bias ConditionsYu Sun/Institute of Microelectronics, Peking University;Chun Han/Peking University
12:05 | 12:10 | 5 | 44 |
Design, Fabrication and Characterization of 6.5 kV/100A 4H-SiC PiN RectifierMengling Tao/University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
12:10 | 12:15 | 5 | 13 |
Analytical Averaged Loss Model of a Three-level NPC-type Converter With SiC DevicesXinyue Guo/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
12:15 | 12:20 | 5 | 66 |
An Accurate Crosstalk Evaluation and Prediction Method for SiC MOSFET Considering Nonlinear Capacitance and Stray ParametersHuaqing Li student/Xi'an Jiaotong University
12:20 | 12:25 | 5 | 7 |
The Influence of Gate Resistances on the Turn-on Behaviors of Si/SiC Hybrid SwitchXiaofeng Jiang/Chongqing university
12:25 | 12:30 | 5 | 69 |
Modeling and comparison of switching loss between SiC MOSFETs with current source and voltage source gate driverQuan Zheng/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
12:30 | 12:35 | 5 | 45 |
Modeling and Analysis of the Switching Characteristics Difference for Paralleling SiC MOSFETs in Multichip Power ModulesWenyu Li/Fudan University, China, Shanghai, 200433
12:35 | 12:40 | 5 | 10 |
Power Loss Characterictics comparsion of the Modular Multilevel Multilevel Converter Based on Based on Si IGBT and SiC MOSFETTianxiang Yin/Huazhong University of Science and Technology
12:40 | 12:45 | 5 | 41 |
A Survey on Modeling of SiC IGBTYuwei Wu/Xi’an Jiaotong University
12:45 | 12:50 | 5 | 47 |
Automated SiC MOSFET Power Module Switching Characterization Test PlatformShuhao Yang/Fudan University
12:50 | 12:55 | 5 | 67 |
Modeling and Suppression of Crosstalk of SiC MOSFET in Bidirectional Buck/Boost ConverterHao Zhang/TAIYUAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY
12:55 | 13:00 | 5 | 61 |
A Lossless and Passive Voltage Spikes Clamping Circuit for SiC HERIC InverterYong Li/Huazhong University of Science and Technology
13:00 | 13:05 | 5 | 62 |
Investigation on Parameter Extraction for An Improved Fourier-Series-Based NPT IGBT ModelYifei Ding/Hunan University
P2 |
Poster 2@Poster2021年08月27日 12:00~13:30
时刻表 V4 发布时间:2021-08-26 10:02:05 |
开始 | 结束 | 持续 | 编号 | 标题 |
P2-WBG Device Packaging | ||||
Chair: Yi Liu, Huazhong University of Science and Technology / Qingqing He, Wuhan University of Technology | ||||
12:00 | 12:05 | 5 | 24 |
Electrical Insulation Packaging for High Voltage High Power IGBT Modules using Nonlinear Conductivity CompositesKaixuan Li Doctoral Candidate/XJTU
12:05 | 12:10 | 5 | 28 |
Design and Research on Package Insulation of Highvoltage Silicon Carbide ModuleYang Zhou/Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute Co.,Ltd
12:10 | 12:15 | 5 | 55 |
Power Semiconductor IGBT Packaging Technology and ReliabilityYameng Sun student/Wuhan University
12:15 | 12:20 | 5 | 17 |
Evaluating Switching Performance of GaN HEMT Using Analytical ModelingYingzhe Wu/University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
12:20 | 12:25 | 5 | 34 |
Comparative Study of Thermal Performance of a SiC MOSFET Power Module Integrated with Vapor Chamber for Traction Inverter ApplicationsWei Mu/Xi'an Jiaotong University
12:25 | 12:30 | 5 | 38 |
The Method for Decoupling the Parasitic Inductance of the Laminated Busbar with SiC MOSFETs in ParallelShaolin Yu/HeFei University of Technology
12:30 | 12:35 | 5 | 19 |
A Low Winding Loss Magnetic Circuit Structure Design of Planar Inductance for GaN-based Totem-Pole PFCPengyuan Ren/School of Electrical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University
12:35 | 12:40 | 5 | 58 |
GaN HEMT with current-driven gate and its driving circuit designQingliang Song principal engineer/Infineon Technologies
12:40 | 12:45 | 5 | 51 |
Ultra-thin Coupled Inductor for a GaN-Based CRM Buck ConverterMing Hua/Nanjing Research Institute of Electronics Technology
12:45 | 12:50 | 5 | 3 |
A Compact 175℃ High Temperature Gate Driver with Isolated Power Supply and Advanced Protection for HybridPACK Drive SiC Power ModuleCheng Qian/Huazhong University of Science and Technology
12:50 | 12:55 | 5 | 6 |
An Optimal Design Scheme of Intermediate Bus Voltage for two-stage LLC Resonant Converter Based on SiC MOSFETfeng wang/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology
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