




In 1981, under the directing of the great scientist Qian Xuesen, an integrated frontier science— Man-Machine-Environment System Engineering (MMESE)—came into being in China. Qian Xuesen gave high praise to this emerging science. In the letter to Long Shengzhao, he pointed out, “You are creating this very important modern science and technology in China!” in October 22nd, 1993. In the congratulation letter to the commemoration meeting of 20th anniversary of establishing the Man-Machine-Environment System Engineering, the great scientist Qian Xuesen stated, “You have made active development and exploration in this new emerging science of MMESE, and obtained encouraging achievements. I am sincerely pleased and hope you can do even more to make prosper development in the theory and application of MMESE, and make positive contribution to the progress of science and technology in China, and even in the whole world ” in June 26th, 2001. In order to greatly promote the vigorous development of MMESE in the world, and realize the grand object of “making positive contribution to the progress of science and technology in China, and even in the whole world” proposed by Qian Xuesen, the 15th International Conference on Man-Machine-Environment System Engineering will take place in Hangzhou, China, October 21-23, 2015. The Conference Sponsor is the Man-Machine-Environment System Engineering Committee of China. Undertaker is Beijing KeCui Academy of Man-Machine-Environment System Engineering. 1981年,在伟大科学家钱学森的亲自指导下,一门综合性边缘技术科学——人-机-环境系统工程(Man-Machine-Environment System Engineering,简称MMESE)在中国诞生。钱学森对这门新兴科学给予了极高评价。他于1993年10月22日致函龙升照指出,“你们是在社会主义中国开创了这门重要现代科学技术!” 2001年6月26日,伟大科学家钱学森在致人-机-环境系统工程创立20年纪念大会的贺信中又指出:“20年来,你们在人-机-环境系统工程这一新兴科学领域进行了积极的开拓和探索,并取得了非常可喜的成绩,我感到由衷的高兴。希望你们今后再接再励,大力推动人-机-环境系统工程理论及应用的蓬勃发展,为中国乃至世界科学技术的进步作出积极贡献!” 为了极大推动人-机-环境系统工程在全世界的蓬勃发展,并实现钱学森提出的“为中国乃至世界科学技术的进步作出积极贡献”的宏伟目标,第十五届国际人-机-环境系统工程大会将于2015年10月21-23日在浙江杭州召开。





A CONFERENCE THEMES: The Conference is designedto bring participants up to date on the MMESE theory and applications. Since MMESE involves seven aspects(Research on man character, Research on machine character, Research on environment character, Research on man-machine relationship, Research on man-environment relationship, Research on machine-environment relationship, Research on overall performance of man-machine-environment system), the Conference will cover the following topics, but not limit to: (1)Research on Man Character(M) Measurement of human capability, Evaluation of human capability, Human physical workload,Human mental workload,Human psychological workload,Human reliability,Human control model,Human decision-making model,Anthropometry technology,Operator selecting,Operator training (2)Research on Machine Character(M) Machine operability, Machine maintainability,Machine dynamic modeling technology,Error-preventing design of machine (3)Research on Environment Character(E) Environment monitoring,Environment controlling,Environment modeling,Environment simulation (4)Research on Man-Machine Relationship(MMR) ●Static man-machine relationship Arrangement of work space,Design of work space ●Dynamic man-machine relationship Function allocation of the man and machine,Function comparison of the man and machine, Display and control technology, Design and evaluation of man-machine interface ●Application of multiple-medium technology to the study of man-machine relationship ●Application of digital human to the study of man-machine relationship (5)Research on Man-Environment Relationship(MER) Environmental influence on man,Human influence on environment,Personal protective equipment (6)Research on Machine-Environment Relationship(MER) Environmental influence on machine performance,Machine influence on environment (7)Research on overall performance of Man-Machine-Environment System(MMES) Overall mathematical model of man-machine-environment system,Total mathematical simulation technology,Half physical simulation technology,Total physical simulation technology,Analysis, design and evaluation of the overall performance,Safety design and evaluation,High Efficiency design and evaluation ,Economy design and evaluation (8) Applications research of MMESE Application to Aviation,Application to Space,Application to Navigation,Application to Nuclear Energy Industry,Application to Traffic Transportation,Application to Industry Production,Application to Corporation Management B SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS a. Style for Paper Papers written in English or Chinese will be considered. Papers are generally no more than 8 pages in length ( including Figures and Tables). Papers written in single-column format. b. Preparation for Paper The paper should contain the following information: 1.Article title/subtitle 2.Name of each author (first initials followed by last name) and the author’s primary institution, city, and country 3.Abstract of no more than 150-word 4.Several keywords for indexing purposes (exclude words that already appear in the title/subtitle) 5.Text  (a) Level 1 text headings should appear in solid caps, centered; Level 2 headings are lowercase bold caps, flush to the left margin. Level 3 headings are in italics, flush to the left margin.  (b) In the text, Each figure (photos, graphs, line drawings) should be high resolution. Do not use shading as background or to indicate differences in quantity (e.g., as sometimes appears in bar graphs); instead, use patterns such as horizontal, vertical, diagonal, and zigzag lines. Line weight should be at least 1 point. Do not use color figures.  (c) Magnitudes of all measured quantities must be given in the International System of Units. 6. References should appear in a separate section at the end of the paper, with items referred to by numerals in square brackets. References must be complete:  (a) Style for papers: Author(first initials followed by last name), title in quotations, periodical, volume, initial and final page number, month, year.  (b) Style for books: Author, title, location, publisher, year, chapter, initial and final page number. C. Submission for Paper For safety, all submissions for paper should simultaneously send by e-mail to the following two addresses: mmese@sina.com. A receipt will be sent to the author by e-mail. Important Note: All notifications and correspondence concerning your submission are sent to you by e-mail. If your e-mail address changes, be sure to notify the Conference. D.Paper Publication All accepted papers will be published by Springer, Germany in the《Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Man-Machine-Environment System Engineering》, which will be send to the EI . E. Important Dates Paper submission:February 28, 2015 Notification of acceptance: April 15, 2015 Modified paper submission: April 30, 2015 Notification of conference:August 30, 2015 Detail Please see the conference web. www.mmese.com/Conference_Web/ 一、征集论文的范围 近几年来凡未公开发表、不涉及保密内容的有关人-机-环境系统工程理论及应用方面的研究论文(英文或中文,若用中文投稿,需另付中译英翻译费用)均可参加本次大会。由于人-机-环境系统工程所涉及的研究范畴主要包括七个方面:人的特性的研究、机的特性的研究、环境特性的研究、人-机关系的研究、人-环关系的研究、机-环关系的研究和人-机-环境系统总体性能的研究,因此,本次大会征集的论文也将主要覆盖七大主题及其下属的各个子主题。除此之外,本次大会还特别欢迎人-机-环境系统工程在各领域中的应用研究的相关论文(也即第八大主题)。当然,这份主题清单中列出的各个子主题并非全面,论文作者可根据实际情况来阐述自己所描述的主题,但希望不要偏离下面列出的八大主题的基本范畴。 (1)人的特性的研究——人的工作能力研究;人的基本素质的测试与评价;人的体力负荷、脑力负荷和心理负荷研究;人的可靠性研究;人的数学模型(控制模型和决策模型)研究;人体测量技术研究;人员的选拔和训练研究等。 (2)机的特性的研究——被控对象动力学的建模技术;机的可操作性研究;机的可维护性研究;机的本质安全性(防错设计)研究等。 (3)环境特性的研究——环境检测技术的研究;环境控制技术的研究;环境建模技术的研究等。 (4)人-机关系的研究——静态人-机关系研究(作业域的布局与设计);动态人-机关系研究(人-机界面研究;显示和控制技术研究;人-机界面设计及评价技术研究;人、机功能分配研究;人、机功能比较研究;人、机功能分配方法研究;人工智能研究);多媒体技术在人-机关系研究中的应用;数字人体在人-机关系研究中的应用等。 (5)人-环关系的研究——环境对人影响的研究;人对环境影响的研究;个体防护措施的研究等。 (6)机-环关系的研究——环境对机器性能影响的研究;机器对环境影响的研究等。 (7)人-机-环境系统总体性能的研究——人-机-环境系统总体数学模型的研究;人-机-环境系统模拟(数学模拟、半物理模拟和全物理模拟)技术的研究;人-机-环境系统总体性能(安全、高效、经济)的分析和评价研究;虚拟技术(Virtual Reality)在系统总体性能研究中的应用等。 (8)人-机-环境系统工程理论及应用研究——人-机-环境系统工程理论研究;人-机-环境系统工程在国民经济各部门(如航空、航天、航海、武器装备、核工业、能源、交通、运输、管理、企业生产等)中的应用研究等。 二、征集论文的方法 1. 2015年2月28日前,论文作者将论文全文用E-mail寄至mmese@sina.com。你也可将电子版的论文全文寄至“(100193)北京市海淀区马连洼梅园甲6号楼1门301 龙升照”。论文的基本要求为: a. 论文全部内容严挌按“Springer论文模板”(页面设置为:A4版面内上5.2cm,下5.7cm,左4.6cm,右4.7cm)撰写(该模板可从会议网站www.mmese.com/Conference_Web/下载),论文全文应控制在8页之内;(注:若用中文撰写,论文必须附有用英文撰写的论文标题、作者姓名、作者单位、论文摘要和关键词等内容,而且,插图(含标题)、表格(含标题)、参考文献等也都应译为英文。); b. 论文正文必须包含研究目的、研究方法、研究结果及研究结论(含应用)等内容,请勿投送综述性论文; c. 英文摘要应控制在10-15行之间,且必须包含研究目的、研究方法、研究结果及结论(含应用)等内容; d. 每篇论文须递交以下3种形式的文件:(1) Word文件:包含图表及全部文字的完整文章;(2) 与Word文件对应的pdf文件;(3) 论文插图的源文件,位图和线条图分辨率必须大于400dpi; e.表格和公式必须编辑输入,不可用图片格式插入; f. 参考文献必须多于5篇,参考文献中出现的所有文献在正文中均须正确标注,如正文中未标明引用的应从参考文献中删除。若为网址类型的参考文献,请确保链接可以打开,并提供获取时间; g. 论文末尾请注明你的论文属于八大主题中的哪个主题范围; 2. 2015年4月15日前后,论文经专家评审后发放论文录取通知书,并提出论文修改意见。 3. 2015年4月30日前,论文作者将修改后的论文及论文版面费寄至大会组委会。 4. 2015年8月30日前后,发放大会日程安排通知。 三、论文出版 会议将录用部分优秀论文由德国Springer(斯普林格)出版社出版发行《Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Man-Machine-Environment System Engineering》(《第十五届国际人-机-环境系统工程大会论文集》)。该论文集将送往EI进行核心检索(注:《第十三届国际人-机-环境系统工程大会论文集》(2013)已被EI核心检索,详情请登陆网站 www.mmese.com“最新消息”栏目查询;《第十四届国际人-机-环境系统工程大会论文集》(2014)已送EI进行核心检索)。 四、注意事项 1.论文评审结果将用E-mail通知给论文第一作者(或论文作者指定的联系人)。如果你的E-mail地址有所变更,请及时告知我们。 2.请在论文末尾显示相关信息:论文第一作者的职称、论文第一作者或联系人的E-mail地址、手机号码(或联系电话)、通讯地址、邮编等(注:此类联系信息只作为联系使用,不出现在论文集中)。 3.论文作者请自留论文原稿,若2015年6月30日前仍未收到论文录取通知书,说明你的论文专家评审未通过,你的论文可自行处理。 详情可登陆会议网站 www.mmese.com/Conference_Web/ 查询。
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  • 会议日期





  • 02月28日 2015


  • 02月28日 2015


  • 04月30日 2015


  • 10月23日 2015

