




On behalf of the organizing committee of the URSI AP-RASC 2016, it is a great pleasure and an honor to extend to you our warmest welcome and invite you to the 2016 URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference to be held in Seoul, South Korea from August 21~25, 2016. AP-RASC is a triennial international conference in the field of radio science, where experts from all over the world gather to share their knowledge and experience, and to encourage scientific exchange and fellowship amongst industry colleagues and professionals globally. We would like to invite many participants from different cultures and continents, representing Europe, South and North America, Oceania, Africa, and Asia. Although Korea is hosting the URSI AP-RASC 2016, I believe that each and every one of you is the real host. The scientific program will provide an opportunity for participants to exchange new ideas and information on many important issues in radio science and related issues. High-standard general lectures will be provided by outstanding scholars invited both from academia and industry. This conference will be an occasion for participants to make new acquaintances and strengthen existing friendships. Also, the technical exhibitions promise to be another highlight of the conference. You will be able to see and come in direct contact with the latest innovations in radio science and related industries. Korea is covered with beautiful hills and fields, where a unique archival culture has bloomed and grown. The URSI AP-RASC 2016 will be a chance not only to introduce Korean archival culture which has blossomed over the last 5,000 years, but also to share the results of a recent archival cultural renaissance and to contribute to the development of humanity’s archival culture. The URSI AP-RASC 2016 will be held with a fresh cultural festival and events composed of various programs which accompanying family members may also enjoy.





  • Commission A: Electromagnetic Metrology, Electromagnetic Measurements and Standards

Antennas, Atomic‐based mechatronics, Bioeffects and medical applications, EMC and EM metrology, High‐frequency and millimeter wireless metrology,  Impulse radar, Interconnect and packaging, Materials, Measurements and calibration in propagation, Microwave to submillimeter measurements /standards, Noise, Quantum metrology and fundamental concepts, Space plasma characterization, Techniques for remote sensing, Test facilities, THz metrology, Time and frequency, Time-domain metrology and other topics of interest.

  • Commission B: Fields and Waves

Antenna arrays, Antennas: recent advances and future outlook, Antenna theory, design and measurements, Cognitive radio, Complex media (band gap structures, biological and geophysical media, meta materials, and others), Educational methods and tools, Electromagnetic interaction and coupling, Guided waves and wave guiding structures, High frequency techniques, Imaging, inverse scattering and remote sensing, Mathematical modeling of electromagnetic problems, Microstrip antennas and printed devices, Multiphysics electromagnetics, Nanoscale electromagnetics, Nonlinear electromagnetics , Numerical methods (differential‐and integral‐equation based, hybrid and other techniques), Optical phenomena, Optimization techniques in electromagnetics, Propagation phenomena and effects, Rough surfaces and random media, Scattering and diffraction, Theoretical electromagnetics, THz antennas and propagation, Transient fields, effects, and systems, Ultra‐wideband electromagnetics , Wireless power transfer, Angular momentum radio, Wireless communications and other topics of interest.

  • Commission C: Radio-communication Systems and Signal Processing

Cognitive radio and software defined radio, Distributed sensor networks and sensors array processing, Energy efficient (“green”) communications, Information theory, coding, modulation and detection, MIMO and MISO systems, Novel radio communication systems, Physics‐based signal processing, Radar target detection, localization, and tracking, Radio localization and positioning, Signal and image processing, Spectrum and medium utilization, Statistical signal processing of waves in random media, Synthetic aperture and space‐time processing, Wireless networking and other topics of interest.

  • Commission D: Electronics and Photonics

Broadband ubiquitous network, Energy harvesting in wireless systems, Fiber lasers and solid state lasers, Graphene nanoelectronics applications, Multi‐physics modeling in radio frequency nanoelectronics, Optical sensors and biosensors, Plasmonics, RF MEMS and NEMS, Signal processing antennas, 60 GHz electronics, Trends in RFID for identification and sensing, Trends in THz communications and other topics of interest.

  • Commission E: Electromagnetic Noise and Interference

Communication in the presence of noise, Crosstalk, Electromagnetic compatibility education, Electromagnetic compatibility measurements and standards, Electromagnetic noise of natural origin, Electromagnetic radiation hazards, High-power effects of transients on electronic systems, Spectrum management and utilization and other topics of interest.

  • Commission F: Wave Propagation and Remote Sensing

Propagation measurements/models for fixed and mobile links, Measurements of fixed and mobile channels, Propagation models, Multipath/mitigation, Fixed terrestrial links: measurements and design strategies, Surface/atmosphere interaction, Dispersion/delay, Effects of natural/man‐made structures, Outdoor to indoor propagation, Multi link MIMO channels, UWB channel characteristics, Small cell propagation, Remote sensing of the Earth/planets by radio waves, Passive sensing at millimeter wavelengths, Interferometry and SAR, Sensing of snow in open and forested environments, Remote sensing of precipitation, Atmospheric sensing, Sensing of soil moisture and biomass, Ocean and ice sensing, Urban environments, Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), Underground imaging, Propagation and remote sensing in complex and random media and other topics of interest

  • Commission G: Ionospheric Radio and Propagation

Ionospheric imaging, Ionospheric morphology, Ionospheric modeling and data assimilation, Radar and radio techniques for ionospheric diagnostics, Space weather – Radio effects, Transionospheric radio propagation, systems effects, and other topics of interest.

  • Commission H: Waves in Plasmas

Chaos and turbulence in plasma, Plasma instabilities and wave propagation, Spacecraft‐plasma interactions, Solar/planetary plasma interactions, Wave‐wave and wave‐particle interactions, Waves in laboratory plasmas and other topics of interest.

  • Commission J: Radio Astronomy

Detection of short‐duration transients, Developments in array technology for radio astronomy, New telescopes, Techniques, and observations, Radio frequency interference mitigation and spectrum usage, SKA, Timely technical tutorials and other topics of interest.

  • Commission K: Electromagnetics in Biology and Medicine

Biological effects, Dosimetry and exposure assessment, Electromagnetic imaging and sensing applications, Human body interactions with antennas and other electromagnetic devices, Therapeutic, rehabilitative, and other biomedical applications and other topics of interest.

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  • 会议日期





  • 04月05日 2016


  • 08月25日 2016

