After the success of the 2015 Smart Wold Congress, Beijing China with more than 400 attendees, the 2016 IEEE Smart World Congress (SmartWorld 2016), Toulouse France, will continue to propose a unique combination of international events in Computer Science related to the Smart World domain. In particular, the Smart World Congress will be associated this year with five IEEE international Conferences and their workshops:
- the 13th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing;
- the 13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced and Trusted Computing;
- the 16th IEEE International Conference on Scalable Computing and Communications;
- the IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing;
- the IEEE International Conference on Internet of People.
The 2016 IEEE Smart World Congress will host European Workshops, Special Sessions, Industrial Sessions, demos and videos contests.
The smart world is to enhance everyday things with intelligence so that many tasks and processes can be simple, safe and enjoyable. The physical space where people interact like home and workplace can become more efficient. It consists of numerous "smart things" that can be endowed with different levels of intelligence, and may be context-aware, active, interactive, reactive, proactive, assistive, adaptive, automated, sentient, perceptual, cognitive, autonomic and/or thinking. Research on smart world is an emerging research field covering many areas. A series of challenge issues exist to move from the current level of computing services to the smart world of adaptive and intelligent services.
The IEEE Smart World Congress (SmartWorld 2016) aims at promoting original and unpublished research works covering science, technologies, applications and related categories on smart world. It provides a high-profile, leading-edge forum for researchers and engineers to exchange on advances and innovations on smart world. In particular, the following topics are considered.
Smart Sensors, Smart Devices and Interactions
Smart chips, tags, sensors, devices, wearables, goods, appliances, materials, textiles, IoT, etc.
Smart software, Machine to Machine, OS, programming, tools, interfaces, power/energy, reliability, etc.
Smart Sensors Networks, Smart Systems and Services
Smart sensor networks, personal/body networks and systems, design, process management, diagnostic, optimal control.
Programming models, distributed computing, distributed intelligence, emergent properties, embedded intelligence.
Smart services, context-aware systems, smart clouds, smart big data processing, etc.
Smart Environments and Applications
Smart home, office, building, shop, campus, factory, farm, city, urban computing, etc.
Smart healthcare, transportation, robotics, energy consumption, environment protection, etc.
Personalization and Social Aspects
Mobile social computing, crowd sensing, human modeling and mining, etc.
Personalized recommendations, security, privacy, safety, affect and legal issues.
Smart World Education
Teaching smart world, demos, smart campus, academic and industrial projects.
2017年08月04日 美国 San Jose
The 2017 Smart World Congress2015年08月10日 中国 北京市