




The workshop “New Trends in Low-Dimensional Physics: Quantum Integrability and Applications” focuses on integrability, as one of the most significant concepts of modern science, characterized by a wide spectrum of applications and fascinating mathematical properties.

Striking experimental advances in topics as condensation of ultra-cold gases, off-equilibrium and thermalization properties of quantum systems, quantum spin chains, anyonic systems, etc., have promoted the subject to be one of the most phenomenologically relevant fields of the last years and one of the most active. These progresses have set an ideal physicist’s playground, in which purely theoretical and abstract subjects get in close contact with experimental world, and the more one looks at these recent developments, the more one experiences the pleasure of finding things out. With its theoretical creativity and experimental originality, this scientific area has swiftly become a rich source of new perspectives on a wide range of phenomena which lies beyond the compass of established concepts. From a theoretical point of view, concepts borrowed by integrability have opened up the way for an exact approach to the critical properties of many quantum statistical systems. Thanks to these progresses, the field has then grown explosively in several directions, including the possibility to realize, for the first time, robust quantum computation algorithms by braiding operations of anyons or to accomplish controllable cold atom experimental set-ups.    

The workshop will provide the opportunity to bring together experts working in close related topics of theoretical physics, under the common umbrella of Statistical Mechanics, Bethe Ansatz, Conformal and Quantum Field theories, Cold Atoms, Strongly Correlated Materials and so on. Organization of such an event is particularly timely for all recent advances in theoretical and experimental areas. 

The list of topics covered by the workshop include: • Solvable lattice models and integrable systems • Bethe ansatz and finite-size technology • Equilibration properties in integrable and non-integrable quantum systems, • Thermodynamic Bethe ansatz • Bulk and boundary conformal and quantum field theory • Integrability in the AdS/CFT correspondence • Quantum entanglement in integrable models • Quantum impurities and entanglement in quantum information devices • Quantum phase transitions and topological ordered phases • Conformal field theory and topological quantum computation  • Duality in QFT and higher dimension CFT • Development of Bethe Ansatz techniques to describe non-equilibrium and transport phenomena in low-dimensional systems • Calculation of correlation functions in integrable quantum field theories and lattice models • Cold atom systems

 Due to the nice environment of the Institute in Bejiing we believe that the workshop will attract the most representative scientists working on these fields. Scientists in these fields typically work in quite small groups scattered around the world. This workshop will give the opportunity to establish new collaborations among the participants and to set up a common language among them.

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  • 09月01日



  • 09月01日 2016

