




EAAC (International Conference on East Asian Architectural Culture) has begun in October 2002, when Professor Lee Sang Hae, then the President of Korean Association of Architectural Historians, hosted the first international conference in Seoul National University. The large scale international conference attracted more than three hundred participants from many countries. Participants included members of KAAH, professors and graduate students in Korea, China, and Japan, with main members being Professor Zhu Guang Ya from Southeast University and Professor Nakagawa Takeshi, then the President of Society of Architectural Historians of Japan. It also attracted many scholars from U.S., Australia, Taiwan, Singapore, and Vietnam. This conference was very meaningful since it was the first international conference on architectural history and architectural culture. It attracted much attention due to a heightened mood for international cooperation at the time. After gathering opinions, it was decided to host biennial international conferences which circuit cities in Asia. Subsequently, six international conferences were held, including EAAC2004 in Southeast University, China, EAAC 2006 in Kyoto University, Japan, EAAC 2009 in National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan, EAAC 2011 at National University of Singapore, and EAAC 2012 in Chinese University of Hong Kong. At the Hong Kong conference in 2012, it was decided that the subsequent conference should be held in Korea in 2015. At the same time, it was decided that the name of international conferences should be unified as "EAAC {the year of the conference}" and that the conference theme should be listed after "EAAC {the year of the conference}." Participants voted to promote the development of permanent international conference body by establishing conference committee consisting of international members, and by preparing for the publication of periodic journal. The EAAC Conference Committee consists of members of Korean Association of Architectural Historians (KAAH), Society of Architectural Historians Japan (SAHJ), Southeast University of China, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Society of Architectural Historians Taiwan, and National University of Singapore (NUS). Scholarly interchanges among East Asian architectural historians have prepared the opportunity to strengthen our statements toward the worldwide architectural field by reexamining the Eurocentric and linear historiography, and paying attention to East Asian modernities and shared historic traditions. Furthermore, EAAC conferences have provided the stage for exchanges among scholars from other areas, such as Europe, majoring in East Asian studies. They contribute to the formations of broader prospect, not confined to the limits of regional viewpoints. The field of architectural history had less opportunities for international exchanges compared not only to natural science but also to other subfields within architecture, such as architectural engineering and environmental engineering. Thus, EAAC conference, the only international conference where East Asian architectural historians gather, could make great achievements. The fact that we have initiated the beginning of such meaningful conferences, and continued to fulfill the central role, is partly due to the geopolitical position of Korea between big countries such as China and Japan. KAAH's role is expected to grow further in the future. By preparing for the opening of North Korea, and encouraging participation of Mongol and Russia's Maritime Province may strengthen the international aspect worthy of the name East Asian Architectural Culture.

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  • 11月14日 2015


Korean Association of Architectural Historians