




The 2015 IFAC Symposium on Information Control in Manufacturing (INCOM 2015) will be the 15th event in the rich tradition of triennial IFAC events in manufacturing sciences and information technologies. The general theme of INCOM 2015 is Advanced Information and Manufacturing Systems for a Sustainable Economy. Sustainable economic development, while preserving the planet's resources, is a great challenge in the 21st century. The true achievement of such an economic development model depends crucially on real and significant progress in advanced technologies and innovative methodologies at all levels of design, management, and control of the industrial infrastructure. INCOM 2015 aims at the crossroads between scientists, researchers, decision makers, practitioners and students from all the diverse domains that impact economic development and productivity: information processing and control, robotics and automation, intelligent systems, advanced manufacturing technologies, safety and security, environmental and social aspects of manufacturing. This conference will provide a remarkable opportunity for the academic and industrial communities to address new challenges, share solutions and discuss future research directions. The agenda will include plenary speeches, invited/special sessions, industrial panel sessions and funding agencies panel session s. Contributions are expected from academia, industry, and government institutions and agencies.



The technical themes and topics include, but are not limited to, the following: Advanced Manufacturing Technologies and System - Intelligent Manufacturing Systems - Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems - Aerospace, Aviation, and Space Technologies - Technologies for Nuclear and Medical Industries - Modern Transportation and Vehicle Systems - Energy Generation and Management Systems - Micro/Nano, Electro-Mechanical Systems - Materials and Structures - Mechatronics - CAD/CAE/CIM - 3-D Printing Robotics and Autonomous Systems - Intelligent Manufacturing Systems - Intelligent Transportation - Robot Systems - Tele-Robotics and Space Robotics - Modelling and Optimisation in Robotics - Automated Manufacturing Systems - Flexible Manufacturing Systems - Flexible Automation - CNC Machines: Design and Optimisation - Web-enabled Manufacturing Control and Wireless Automation Operations Management in Production Systems and Logistics - Design and Balancing of Production Systems - Facility Planning and Materials Handling - Production Planning and Scheduling - Inventory Control - Workflow Management - Revenue Management - Outsourcing - Supply Chain Engineering and Management - Market Responsive Supply Chains - Green Supply Chains - RFID and other IT in Supply Chains Enterprise Modeling and Information Systems - Enterprise Modeling - Integration and Networking - Virtual Production Networks - Next Generations of Infrastructures - Collaborative Systems - Service Oriented Architectures - Information Systems - Control and Interoperability - Information Management for the Net-Enterprise - Complex Systems Modelling and optimization - Operational Research - Artificial Intelligence - Multi-Agents Technologies - Multi-Objective Optimization - Big Data and Data Mining - Cloud Technologies - Semantic web - Performance Evaluation - Discrete Event Systems - Simulation Safety and Security - Monitoring, Diagnosis and Maintenance - Risk Assessment and Reliability - Sensor Design, Integration and Fusion - Network and Cyber-Security - Remote Sensing Applications - Safety in Nuclear Industry - Regulatory Issues Human and Social Factors - Fostering Innovations - Socio-Technical and Cognitive Aspects of Automation - Design for Reusability - Human Machine Systems - Environment Monitoring - Health Care Applications - Renewable Energy Systems and Technologies - Sustainable Economies Applications, Industrial Projects and Case Studies
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  • 05月13日 2015


IEEE Robotics and Automation Society