




It is the goal of this workshop series to provide a venue for researchers to present pioneering, peer-reviewed work on all topics related to gateways. We hope to provide an interactive forum, including lightning talks, posters, and opportunities to share common experiences. Leveraging knowledge about common tasks can free gateway developers to focus on higher-level, grand-challenge functionality in their discipline. Our featured keynote speaker will be Charlie Catlett, director of the Urban Center for Computation and Data (UrbanCCD) at the Computation Institute of the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory. The Center brings scientists from mathematics and computing together with social, behavioral, economic, policy, education, and health scientists to support research in urban sciences. He’s a Senior Computer Scientist at Argonne National Laboratory, where he also served as Chief Information Officer from 2007-2011. Charlie is a Senior Fellow at the Computation Institute of the University of Chicago and Argonne and a Visiting Artist at the School of Art Insitute of Chicago. From 2004-2007, Charlie directed the NSF TeraGrid project and from 1999-2004 he was the founding chair of the Global Grid Forum (now the Open Grid Forum). Proceedings of the workshop will be published in the ACM Digital Library, and accepted authors will have the opportunity to publish extended versions of their submissions in a special journal issue sponsored jointly with the International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG, hosted at Trinity College, Dublin, from June 3-5, 2014). Details of the special issue are below.



Topics of interest include the following: Gateways connecting aspects of advanced cyberinfrastructure (for example: data collections, instruments, and all types of computing services); Gateway interoperability including, but not limited to gateways that make use of one another, gateways that exchange data through new or commonly accepted data specifications such as RDF and SparQL, and gateways that provide common interfaces to disparate data or cross-domain data. Gateways in support of new communities, for example supporting rural or underserved communities or in newer computational domains such as digital humanities; Design and architecture of gateways, including tools and frameworks that make developing gateways easier; Gateway security models and solutions; Middleware solutions in support of gateways including Web Services, workflow and mashup composers and engines, and similar capabilities; Novel user interface/user experience implementations for science gateways Non-browser gateways: desktops and mobile computing gateways; Approaches to long-term sustainability (for example, experiences with open source development and licensing); Gateways and community building, for example citizen science and social networking successes; Gateways used in education; The management and governance of gateways, such as securing funding, attracting users, monitoring content, and organizing the development team; Demonstrations and success stories; and Summary and survey papers.
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  • 11月21日



  • 11月21日 2014


Association for Computing Machinery - ACM