149 / 2024-05-02 22:09:22
Light Intensity in Nanoresonators: The Role of Dark Modes and Supercritical Coupling
Carbon nanostructures,,plasmonic resonances,Dark Modes,Bound States in the Continuum (BIC),supercritical coupling
AMIR HASSAN / Russian Federation;Novosibirsk State University (NSU); 630090 Novosibirsk
Carbon nanostructures, owing to their unique properties, have emerged as promising candidates for various applications in photonics, including light emission [1]. Our aim is the fundamental principles underlying plasmonics and their interplay with carbon-based materials, elucidating how these interactions can be manipulated to achieve unprecedented control over light-matter interactions. Through theoretical insights and experimental demonstrations, we will showcase recent advancements in leveraging plasmonic resonances to enhance the efficiency, directionality, and spectral properties of light emission from carbon nanostructures. Light intensity plays a crucial role in various applications, from medical devices to electronics. However, achieving intense light beams using everyday light sources can be challenging. Researchers have turned to nanoscale materials and optical resonators to enhance light emission. In this context, carbon nanostructures, such as carbon nanotubes, offer exciting possibilities. One recent breakthrough involves the concept of dark modes and supercritical coupling. Dark Modes and Bound States in the Continuum (BIC). Dark modes are special optical resonances that amplify light intensity with minimal losses, from destructive interference between two or more bright waves within a resonator. These dark modes can confine light effectively, reducing unwanted emission [2, 3]. However, there are still challenges related to absorption and fabrication defects. A specific type of dark mode, known as a bound state in the continuum (BIC), has gained attention. BIC allow light confinement without compromising intensity. Optimal light intensity is usually achieved through critical coupling, where the escape rates of light (emission, scattering, and absorption) match perfectly. In literature recently demonstrated a way to go beyond critical coupling, achieved supercritical coupling by tailoring the energy exchange between a dark mode and a bright mode through a resonator made of a 130nm thick silicon nitride slab patterned with a square lattice of circular holes, [Fig 1]. By optimizing structural parameters, light confinement was obtained beyond conventional limits [4, 5]. In summary, the interplay between dark modes, BIC, and supercritical coupling holds promise for creating better optical nanodevices. Carbon nanostructures, including carbon nanotubes, could benefit significantly from these advancements.
  • 会议日期





  • 06月15日 2024


  • 07月31日 2024


ShenZhen University