
The biennial International Conference on Cybernetics (CYBCONF) provides a premier international forum for researchers and practitioners to report the latest innovations, summarize the state-of-the-art, and exchange ideas and advances in all aspects of Cybernetics. Apart of the main track it includes special sessions and plenary talks by invited eminent speakers.

CYBCONF-2017 is organized by University of Exeter, sponsored byIEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society (SMC), and supported by IEEE SMC Technical Committees on Cybermatics for Cyber-enabled Worlds; Awareness Computing; Intelligent Industrial Systems; and Distributed Intelligent Systems. CYBCONF-2017 will be hosted in Exeter, the capital city of Devon and provides the county with a central base for education, medicine, religion, commerce and culture. The city is also home to the magnificent Exeter Cathedral, which dates back to Norman times. Exeter is also ideally placed to base a trip to branch out visiting places such as the famous Dartmoor National Park and the unspoilt beaches of the North and South Devon coastlines.

Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers to CYBCONF-2017. All accepted papers are expected to be included in IEEE Xplore and will be indexed by Engineering Index (EI). The authors of selected best papers will be invited post conference to extend their contributions for special issues of prestigious journals, such as IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE SMC Magazine, Evolving Systems, and Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (PPNA).




General Information: CYBCONF-2017 invites proposals for Special Sessions (SS) and Workshops (WS) to be held in conjunction with the conference. The aim is to provide researchers in focused areas the opportunity to present and discuss their work, as well as to offer a forum for interaction among a broader community of researchers. A Special Session will consist of a group of papers in a sub-discipline of all aspects of Cybernetics and applications related to the main topics of CYBCONF-2017. The papers will be required to meet the same standards as CYBCONF-2017 papers and will be published in the conference proceedings, available on IEEE Xplore. Normally, an SS should contain 5 or more papers, and a WS should contain 2 or more sessions (10 or more papers). The organizers of the SS/WS are encouraged to make a plan for post conference special issues in some high-quality international journals.


The topics of interest include all aspects of Cybernetics and its applications and are organized in the following topic areas (not limited to):

Track 1: Cybernetics and Control Systems

  • Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation
  • Artificial Immune Systems
  • Bioinformatics
  • Computational Intelligence
  • Control Systems
  • Evolutionary Computation
  • Expert and Knowledge-Based Systems
  • Fuzzy Systems and Applications
  • Machine Learning
  • Optimization
  • Self-Adaptive and Evolving Systems
  • Swarm Intelligence

Track 2: Human-Machine Interaction and Systems

  • Cognitive Systems
  • Brain Machine Interface
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Human-Machine Cooperation and Systems
  • Human-Machine Interface and Communications
  • Social Systems
  • Supervisory Control
  • User Interface Design
  • Web Intelligence and Interaction
  • Image Processing/Pattern Recognition
  • Machine Vision
  • Multimedia Computation

Track 3: Systems Science, Engineering and Industrial Applications

  • Autonomous Systems
  • Distributed Intelligent Systems
  • Intelligent Power and Energy Systems
  • Intelligent Transportations Systems
  • Intelligent Vehicle Systems and Control
  • Medical and Health Informatics
  • Neural Networks and Applications
  • Robotic Systems


Proposal submission: Please send the WS/SS proposals (in PDF format) to WS/SS Chairs (please see the contact data below) by 31 January 2017 with the following information:

Title and acronym of the WS/SS,
Short profiles of the organizers,
General description of the WS/SS,
List of topics,
Special session program committee (to be invited and confirmed),
(optional) Plan for post conference special issue:
Journal name,
Contact of the guest editors.
General rules for the organizers: The organizers will be responsible for the advertisement and promotion of the WS/SS and the conference. The management of papers review will be achieved by SS/WS Committees, using the Conference Management System (a separate track will be provided for each SS/WS). The organizers are responsible for managing the review process. All the reviews should be submitted through the Conference Management System. Each paper should obtain at least three reviews. At least 5 papers should be accepted by SS, and a WS should accept 2 or more sessions (10 or more papers). The final decision as for the acceptance will be taken by the CYBCONF 2017 Program Committee based on recommendations provided by SS/WS organizers.

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  • 会议日期





  • 03月15日 2017


  • 03月23日 2017


  • 04月22日 2017


  • 05月20日 2017


  • 06月23日 2017

