


The vision of “Neurosciences in Intensive Care International Symposium” (NICIS) is to accelerate transformative advances in the care and science of patients with critical illness and neurological injury. NICIS brings together clinicians and scientists who have a common aspiration to translate discoveries in the neurosciences into better patient-centered outcomes.

NICIS will be held on June the 8th-9th 2017 at the Institut Pasteur in Paris. The 2017 edition of NICIS is titled “Critical Illness: Ageing, Frailty and Resilience”.

NICIS 2017 builds on the success of the previous editions, which were devoted to “Neuro-inflammation in Critical illness: From brain signaling to brain insult” (2016), “Neuroscience of repair, regeneration and recovery from critical illness” (2015), and “Neurobiology of stress” (2014).

The ageing of the population and the sharp increase in age-related illnesses represent huge challenges, as well as opportunities, for the medical community and health industry. This demographic shift is having a major repercussion in critical care medicine, posing an array of scientific, clinical and ethical problems which urgently need to be addressed. In addition to a rapidly expanding body of basic research centered on the biology of ageing, recent work has highlighted the concepts of frailty and resilience :

  • What is the meaning of these concepts in the clinical setting?

  • What is their biological basis?

  • Do we have efficient biomarkers of aging, frailty and resilience to support predictive modeling and clinical trial design?

NICIS 2017 speakers include thought leaders in cellular and molecular biology, biomarker discovery and validation, neurophysiology, neuroimaging and brain mapping, and advanced clinical trial design. The conference is designed for an interdisciplinary audience of clinicians and investigators working in neuroscience and critical care medicine. This will be a unique opportunity to have an interactive and lively discussion between multiple content-experts with contrasting perspectives.

In addition, researchers are invited to submit abstracts of original data for consideration at our Poster Presentation Session which, will include the recognization of two outstantding abstracts which will be rewarded with Jean Mantz Award for clinical research of EUR 1000 and Jean Mantz Award for experimental research of EUR 1000.

We would like to acknowledge support from the Société Française d’Anesthésie-Réanimation (SFAR), the Association des Neuro-Anesthésistes de langue Française (ANARLF), the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), the International Society of International Symposium of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (ISICEM), the Neurocritical Care Society (NCS), the Society for Neuroscience Anesthesia and Critical Care (SNACC) and the Institut Pasteur for their support or endorsement.

Our special thanks go to the University of Versailles and Johns Hopkins University as well as the Network For Neurosciences « Cerveau et Pensée », the Region Ile-de-France and the Ecole des Neurosciences de Paris, organizations which have demonstrated consistent support for research and education in the Neurosciences.

We look forward to welcoming you in June for NICIS 2017 !

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  • 06月09日 2017

