




The cryosphere is the part of the Earth system consisting of all snow, ice and frozen ground, both on and beneath the surface of the Earth, and the oceans. As an integral part of the climate system, the cryosphere responds the quickest to, and is the most representative of, global climate change. It also impacts both bio and anthropogenic systems on different spatial and temporal scales. The theme of this workshop “Cryospheric Change and Sustainable Development” is to improve our understanding of changes in all components of the cryosphere and their interdependence and causes. The workshop will focus on our current capabilities to model and assess these changes, mitigation and adaptability strategies in a rapidly changing cryosphere, eco-social sustainability, and the role of the cryosphere in the earth’s future.





Cryospheric processes and dynamics
The cryosphere is a prominent factor in, and an indicator of, global climate change. It functions as one of the most direct and sensitive feedbacks in the climate system, and plays an important role in the earth’s climate system. The global cryosphere has undergone significant changes in recent decades. Almost all of the elements of the cryosphere have lost mass under global warming. As global climate continues to warm in the future, Arctic sea ice extent will continue to shrink, while global glacier volume, Northern Hemisphere spring snow cover, and permafrost extent will continue to decrease. The goals for discussing this topic include:

  • to assess and quantify rapid changes in each component of the cryosphere during recent decades,

  • to improve understanding of the physical processes and feedback mechanisms that control the interactions between the cryosphere and other elements of the climate system, and

  • to improve depictions of cryospheric processes in climate models and thereby reduce uncertainties in climate simulations and projections.

Attribution and impacts of cryospheric changes

Rapid changes in the cryosphere have profound influences on the energy balance, atmospheric circulation, ocean circulation, water cycle, sea level, carbon cycle, and socio-economic development. The session focuses on:

  • impacts of snow cover and sea ice changes on regional and global climate dynamics,

  • effects of glacier (ice sheet) shrinkage on sea level rise and water resource,

  • permafrost degradation and carbon cycle as well as ecosystem change.

 Mitigation and adaptive countermeasures on cryospheric changes

Rapid climate warming has exacerbated a series of environmental and development issues in cryospheric regions, such as water resource security, cryosphere disasters, ecological security, and people’s livelihoods. The session attempts to establish mitigation and adaptive countermeasures related to cryospheric changes, such as optimal water resources utilization, ecosystem protection, Arctic shipping, disaster risk (GLOF) assessment, etc.

Cryosphere services and their function for sustainable development

The cryosphere plays an important regulatory function to the climate and Earth systems by sophisticated positive and negative feedback processes of water, energy, and biogeochemical exchange on different spatial and temporal scales. Because the cryosphere stores a significant amount of resources (e.g. water, natural gas, oil) as well as carries endemic biological species and indigenous cultural functions, it is not only an irreplaceable resource but also a candidate for sustainable development of population, resources, environment, social and economic systems at high altitudes and polar regions. The session aims to assess the cryosphere service function (CSF), such as resources, ecosystem services, culture services, tourism values and related factors.

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  • 会议日期





  • 06月01日 2017


  • 08月02日 2017

