The 22nd International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics is an annual conference that will take place in Międzyzdroje, Poland, between 28th August and 31st August 2017.
The conference program and abstracts will be published as a booklet with an ISBN. Text of full papers will be published on an accompanying CD.
As in the previous years, the proceedings of the conference will be submitted for review and approval for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library.
The proceedings for MMAR 2016 are available in the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library.
The proceedings for MMAR 2016 are included in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Web of Science).
The 2017 proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Science (ISI Web of Science) and in the SciVerse Scopus database.
The plenary speakers for the MMAR 2017 will include:
Prof. Frank Allgower (University of Stuttgart)
Prof. Harald Aschemann (Univeristy of Rostock)
Dr. Ahmed Chemori (LIRMM – CNRS)
Prof. Bernd Finkemeyer (University of Applied Sciences, Kiel)
The main topics for the conference include, but are not limited to:
Identification, modelling and simulation
Linear and nonlinear systems
Distributed parameter systems
Hybrid systems
Computer aided systems design
Uncertain systems
Stochastic systems
Signal processing
Sensor and signal fusion
Adaptive signal processing
Optimization in signal processing
Reconstruction of signals
Change detection problems
Time-frequency analysis
Image processing
Control and systems theory
Linear and nonlinear systems and control
Fractional order systems
Cooperative, coordinated and decentralized control
Advanced process control
Chaotic systems
Fundamentals of robotics
Robotics applications
Human-robot interaction
Motion planning and algorithms
Advanced robotics
Kinematics and dynamics aspects of robots
Nonholonomic systems and control
Sensory and visual feedback in robots
Intelligent systems and methods
Optimization algorithms
Fuzzy systems
Genetic algorithms
Neural networks
Decision support systems
Machine learning
Distributed control systems
Networked control systems
Software agents
Planning and scheduling problems
Fault detection and diagnosis
Control systems
Adaptive control
Predictive control
Robust control
Optimal control
Control applications
Marine and aerospace guidance and control
Space control systems
2024年08月27日 波兰
2024 28th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR)2023年08月22日 波兰 Międzyzdroje
2023 27th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics2022年08月22日 波兰 Międzyzdroje
2022 26th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics2021年08月23日 波兰 Międzyzdroje
2021 25th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics2018年08月27日 波兰
第23届自动化和机器人方法和模型国际会议2016年08月29日 波兰 Miedzyzdroje, Poland
2016 21st International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics2015年08月24日 波兰
2015年第20届自动化和机器人方法和模型国际会议2013年08月27日 波兰