



(中文网址是:http://ceba.cqu.edu.cn/ThirdLevel.jsp?firstLevelLanmuId=489&lanmuId=506 ) 主办单位:重庆大学、武汉大学、香港中文大学 会议地点:重庆大学经济与工商管理学院 举办时间:2009年8月3日~5日 背景及目的: 研讨会旨在为中国一流商学院的博士生、博士后和青年教师及其他研究者提供企业研究方法的培训,并为博士生导师提供一个交流博士生培养心得的平台。通过培训、交流和后续合作,我们希望能提升与会者的研究能力,提升国内商学院博士生的培养质量,以便他们能以中国为基础进行高质量的研究并将其发表在知名国际期刊上。更具体地说,本次研讨会的目的有如下几点: 1. 以当前企业研究的主流领域之一企业运营管理为题,介绍企业研究(Business Research)领域的发展趋势和研究方向,如服务营销、运营及商业策略、战略与营销、人力资源管理、生产管理、质量管理以及供应链管理,等等。 2. 安排企业研究方法专题讲座,由特邀发言人重点讲述案例研究方法和调查研究方法,介绍最先进的研究方法和工具。 3. 帮助与会者确定新的研究课题,设计并实施研究机划,或评论与会者提交的研究计划、工作论文或近期已发表成果,以促进其研究对理论发展产生重要贡献。 4. 为与会者在运营管理或企业研究领域的主流国际期刊上发表研究成果做准备。 5. 会议将对优秀学位论文研究计划、优秀学生论文和优秀青年教师论文授奖,颁发奖励证书和奖金。 参会人员 1. 高年级博士生(二年级及以上) 2. 青年教师及博士后研究人员 3. 博士生导师或其他有志于在国际一流期刊发表论文的研究人员 特邀主题发言人 l Barbara Flynn, 美国印第安纳大学凯利商学院资深教授,Decision Science of Innovative Education杂志主编和创办人,Quality Management (QM)杂志主编,Journal of Operations Management (JOM)和Decision Science (DS)的副主编。 (http://www.indiana.edu/~alldrp/members/flynn.html) l E. James Flynn, 美国印第安纳大学凯利商学院战略管理与领导学教授(Clinical Professor),Randall L. Tobias 卓越领导学中心助理主任,2002年加拿大管理科学协会(Administrative Sciences Association of Canada)最佳论文奖得主。 (http://kelley.iupui.edu/faculty/FacultyProfile.cfm?netid=ejflynn) l Vicki Smith-Daniels,美国亚利桑那州立大学供应链管理系运作管理资深教授,Decision Science (DS)杂志主编。 (https://webapp4.asu.edu/directory/person/106930) l Chris Voss, 英国伦敦商学院教授,欧洲运营管理学会创办人及原主席,英国高级管理研究院资深研究员,美国管理学会(AOM)运营管理分会2008年度学者和运营管理学会(POMS)2005年度学者。 (http://www.london.edu/operationsandtechnologymanagement/chrisvoss.html) l Vinod Singhal,美国Georgia理工大学管理学院资深教授,POM以及MSOM杂志副主编。 (http://mgt.gatech.edu/directory/faculty/singhal/index.html) l Xiande Zhao, 香港中文大学管理科学与决策科学系教授, Journal of Operations Management (JOM)《运营管理》、Decision Science (DS)《决策科学》、Operations Management Research (OMR) 《运营管理研究》, Production and Operations Management (POM) 《生产与运作管理》资深编辑。 ( http://www.baf.cuhk.edu.hk/services/StaffFrame.asp?StaffID=77&DID=3&Type=Faculty) 日程 Aug. 3, 2009 10:00 am-2:00 pm: Registration & Reception 2:00-2:30 pm: Opening and Welcome Remarks Prof. Liu, Xing, Dean of the College of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University 2:30-3:30 pm: Introduction and Overview Instructor: Prof. Xiande Zhao 1. Recent trends and contemporary issues in Operations and Supply Chain Management 2. Commonly used theories in operations/supply chain management and other areas of business research. 3. Major types of methodologies used for operations/supply chain management and other areas of business research 4. Overview of China-based research in operations and supply chain management 3:30-4:00 pm: Break 4:00-5:30 pm: Writing a Publishable Paper Instructor: Prof. Barbara B. Flynn 1. What is a research paper? a. Characteristics of a research paper b. Contribution to knowledge c. Projects generally not accepted as a research paper d. Topic analysis form e. What is a peer-reviewed journal? f. Acceptance rates 2. Focusing your research a. Finding the right journal b. Writing for a high probability of acceptance c. Tailoring your research d. Finding observations and data to study e. Characteristics of a good topic f. Sources of potential topics 3. The research paper a. Reviewing standards and criteria b. Research paper format c. What if the analysis doesn’t support your hypothesis? d. Moving from zero draft into first draft e. Revision strategies 4. Research projects a. Developing a program of research b. Working as part of a research team 5. Top ten tips for publishing Aug. 4, 2009 9:00-10:30 am: Field Research Methodologies in Business Research Instructor: Prof. Chris Voss This talk will first describe different sorts of field research, in particular case research. It will then explore the key issues in conducting case and other filed research, in particular: 1. When to use case research 2. Developing the research framework, constructs and questions 3. Choosing cases a. -How many cases? b. -Longitudinal or retrospective c. -Case selection d. -Sample controls 4. Developing research instruments and protocols 5. Conducting the field research a. -Field data collection b. -Conducting interviews c. -Reliability and validity 6. Data documentation and coding 7. Data analysis, hypothesis development and testing a. -within case analysis b. -searching for cross-case patterns c. -hypothesis testing and development 10:30-11:00 am: break 11:00-12:30 am: Qualitative Methods, Case Studies, and Interdisciplinary Research Domains Instructor: Prof. Vicki Smith-Daniel This presentation will focus on the challenges of case study research in interdisciplinary research domains. Building on the case study foundations of the early research leaders such as Voss and Meredith, topics to be explored during this session include: 1. Developing Rigorous and Interesting Research Questions 2. Defining Interdisciplinary Research Domains in Services and Supply Chain Management 3. Qualitative Research Methods in Service Research 4. Use of Case Study Research in Studying Interdisciplinary Research Questions 5. Positioning the Academic Contribution of Case Study Research 12:30-2:00 pm: Lunch 2:00-3:30 pm: Empirical Research Surveys Instructors: Profs. Barbara B. Flynn and Xiande Zhao, 1. Establishing the theoretical foundation a. Theory building b. Theory testing 2. Questionnaire design a. Types of data b. Summated scales i. Developing your own ii. Finding scales with established reliability and validity iii. Issues with using existing scales in China c. Pilot testing 3. Sampling a. Sample selection b. Sampling issues in China 4. Data collection a. Distribution of questionnaires b. Response rate enhancement techniques c. Non-respondents d. Data collection issues in China e. Common methods variance f. Data cleaning g. Data entry 5. Measurement analysis a. Reliability b. Validity i. Content ii. Construct 6. Data analysis a. Descriptive statistics b. Inferential statistics c. Structural equation modeling 3:30-4:00 pm: break 4:00-5:30 pm: A tutorial on using secondary data in Operations Management (OM) research: Overview and research opportunities Instructor: Prof. Vinod Singhal Operations Management (OM) researchers have started using secondary data to link operations decisions to shareholder value and operating performance. This tutorial will provide an overview of how to use secondary data in OM research. It will discuss data sources that are available, the research methods and statistics for use with secondary data, and an approach for carrying out this research. Basics of the event study methodology will be discussed. An application that uses this approach will also be discussed. The topics of the presentation will include: 1. Data sources 2. Event study methodology 3. Creating a sample 4. Measurement time period 5. Estimating performance effects 6. Statistical tests Aug. 5, 2009 9:00-10:00 am: Threats to Validity Instructor: Prof. E. James Flynn Because business research does not have the powerfully precise theories and highly reliable measurements that exist in “hard” sciences research, it is important to be cognizant of the validity of the research, which is related to its generalizability. This presentation focuses upon identification of threats to the validity of business research and development of research designs which will better facilitate causal inferences. Topics to be discussed include: 1. Threats to internal validity a. History b. Maturation c. Testing d. Instrumentation e. Statistical regression f. Selection g. Mortality h. Interaction with selection i. Ambiguity about the direction of causal influence 2. Threats to external validity a. Interaction of treatments b. Interaction of testing and treatment c. Interaction of selection and treatment d. Interaction of setting and treatment e. Interaction of history and treatment f. Generalization across effect constructs 10:00 am-10:30am: break 10:30 am-12:30pm: Research proposals and working papers- review and critique (Two parallel sessions if necessary) 1. Selected students or young scholars will present their dissertation proposals, published or working papers 2. Invited experts will critique the work and offer suggestions for improvement 12:30-2:00 pm: lunch break 2:00 am-4:00 pm: Research proposals and working papers- review and critique (Two parallel sessions if necessary) 1. Selected students or young scholars will present their dissertation proposals, published or working papers 2. Invited experts will critique the work and offer suggestions for improvement 4:30-5:30 pm: Panel Discussion on publishing high quality China-based research by Profs. Xiande Zhao, Barbra Flynn, Chris Voss, Vicki Smith-Daniels, Vinod Singhal and others 1. Brief presentations of different journals and their focuses 2. Review process and issues related to handling of revisions 3. Dos and Don’ts in the process of writing and revising papers 6:30-8:30pm: award presentations and dinner




会议主题 本次会议的主题是运营管理(Operation Management)与企业研究(Business Research)方法,具体主题是: 1.案例及定性研究方法 2.调查研究及统计方法 3.运营管理与企业研究发展趋势及研究方法 4.博士生研究工作计划、与会者近期研究成果研讨 5.如何研究与写作国际期刊论文 6.基于中国的高水平研究成果在国际期刊发表的问题讨论 供与会者参考的主要研究领域(不限于此): 1、运营、制造战略与实践 2、服务管理与实践(包括金融、旅游、医保等领
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  • 06月30日 2009


  • 07月20日 2009


  • 08月05日 2009

