Cyprus International University (CIU) will be hosting HONET’2016 International Symposium on ‘Smart MicroGrids for Sustainable Energy Sources enabled by Photonics and IoT Sensors’. This international event will bring several keynote speakers who are renown in their disciplines. HONET has evolved over past decade caters workshops, symposia, and conferences in various areas of technologies that serves humanity at the global level.
Consistent with the mission of CIU and HONET vision, the thematic area of symposium will encompass Smart MicroGrids, Sustainable & Renewable Energy Sources, and Photonics for Energy and IoT Sensors and variety of e-Applications enabled by the global internet and ICT technologies.
The major theme of the symposium focuses on the ‘smart microgrids’ (SMGs) those enable the distribution and production of electrical energy including traditional and emerging renewable sources. The Energy tracks will cover efficient energy production/saving technologies and harvesting renewable resources and intelligent monitoring based on SMGs. The rapidly emerging area of ‘Internet of Things’ IoT and associated photonic and other intelligent sensors networks enable SMGs. The SMGs are the harbinger of intelligent ‘demand and response services (DRS)’ which include rapid response, reliability, and security. The scope of the HONET International Symposium will cover R&D and application topics ranging from new techniques, materials and device technologies with intelligent sensors, associated systems consisting of communication networks, cyber-security, e-applications and even social networks.
Global Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) networks enable the high-speed internet by utilizing various photonic- and RF wireless technologies and networks spanning over the vast landscape.
The HONET’2016 International Symposium will be hosted by CIU and sponsored by North Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture. The event will be co-organized in collaboration with UNC Charlotte and SUNY Fredonia whereas technical co-sponsorship is requested from IEEE PES. The proceedings will be published by IEEEXplore.
Smart MicroGrids for Energy Demand & Response
Photonics for Smart Grids and Networks
Intelligent Monitoring based Smart Grids
Nano- and Meta-materials for Intelligent Devices
Micro/Nano Fab of Active and Passive Photonics
Communication Networks -Enabling the Smart
Communications and Signal Processing
Data Compression and Storage
Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy Generation
Internet of Things
Social Networks and SMGs
Cloud computing / Convergence of metro/optical access /storage networking
Demand Response and Cost Dynamics
MicroGrid Analytics and Management
Grids Audio, Image and Video Processing
Network Security and Forensic
Big-Data Analytics
Viability of Alternative Energy Sources