


Fractional Calculus (FC for short) is a modern and expanding domain of mathematical analysis. The notion of fractional differentiation, or more appropriately the differentiation of arbitrary real order, means an operation analogous to standard differentiation which will take into account, memory effects if the independent variable is time, or nonlocal effects in the case of spatial independent variables. The order of the derivative may also be variable, distributed or complex.

Basically, FC includes more information in the model then offered by the classical integer order calculus. Besides an essential mathematical interest, its overall goal is general improvement of the physical world models for the purpose of computer simulation, analysis, design and control in practical applications. In the last four decades FC became an acceptable tool for a large number of diverse scientific communities due to more adequate modeling in various fields of mechanics, electricity, chemistry, biology, medicine, economics, control theory, as well as signal and image processing. This list can be extended since Fractional Community is still rapidly growing as can be seen at the websites of previous FDA events.

Embedded in both science and industrial applications, as a part of problem posing and problem solving procedures, FC became an efficient tool for description, analysis, modeling, design and decision making within complex dynamical processes. Its patterns are recognized in the following major topics: Acoustics, Biomechanics, Biomedical Engineering, Brownian Motion, Chemical Physics, Continuous Time Random Walk, Continuum Mechanics, Control Theory of Dynamical Systems, Diffusion Processes, Ductile Regions and Seismic Base Isolation, Dynamical Optimization, Dynamical Processes in Self-Similar and Porous Structures, Electrochemistry of Corrosion, Electrical Networks, Filters, Fluid Flow, Geophysics, Heat Conduction, History Dependant Processes, Impact, Nonlocal Phenomena, Numerical Analysis, Modeling and Identification, Optics, Probability and Statistics, Rheology and Biorheology, Riesz Potential, Signal and Image Processing, Soft Matter Mechanics, System Dynamics, Theories of Differential, Integral, and Integro-differential Equations as well as Special Functions of Mathematical Physics, Theory of Rigid Bodies with Viscoelastic Layers, Variational Principles, Vibration, Viscoelasticity, Wave Propagation, and so on.

Following tradition of the previous FDA events the Organizing Committee of the ICFDA16 would like to invite you to participate in this event. Its objectives are to review and discuss some of the latest trends in various fields of theoretical and applied FC. By bringing together the experts and young researchers it aims to promote exchange of ideas in topics of mutual interests, to establish links between scientific communities with complementary activities and to encourage them for collaboration in times to come.

The main technical sponsor of this event is University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences. The international organizations confirmed support to the conference read: International Federation of Automatic Control, International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - Branch of Serbia and Montenegro.

The co-organizers of this event are Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and Serbian Society of Mechanics.

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  • 会议日期





  • 07月20日 2016

