




This workshop brings together researchers and industrial practitioners to exchange and discuss the latest innovative synergistic AI and SE techniques and practices. SE is now expected to solve a plethora of increasingly complex questions that are dynamic, automated, adaptive, or must execute on a very large scale. In theory, other disciplines could better support SE. For example,

AI technologies can support the development of increasingly complex SE systems as in the case of recommendation systems. Conversely, in theory, SE might also play a role in alleviating development costs and the development effort associated with AI tools and applications such as robotics, where proper development and testing practices are of utmost importance. In practice, this theoretical connection between SE and AI is rarely achieved. We believe that SE has much to offer AI about systems engineering and scalability of methodologies. Yet AI research rarely uses this work.

All this begs the question: Are SE and AI researchers ignoring important insights from AI and SE? To answer this question, RAISE'16 will be a crossover workshop where the state of the art in both fields is documented and extended. This workshop will explore not only the application of AI techniques to SE problems but also the application of SE techniques to AI problems.



Improving SE through AI – including but not limited to knowledge acquisition, knowledge representation, reasoning, agents, machine learning, machine-human interaction, planning and search, natural language understanding, problem solving and decision-making, understanding and automation of human cognitive tasks, AI programming languages, reasoning about uncertainty, new logics, statistical reasoning, software analytics, etc.
Applying AI to SE activities – including but not limited to requirements, design, specification, traceability, program understanding, model-driven development, testing and quality assurance, domain-specific software engineering, adaptive systems, software evolution, etc.
SE for AI – including but not limited to AI programming languages, program derivation techniques in AI domains, platforms and programmability, software architectures, rapid prototyping and scripting for AI techniques, software engineering infrastructure for reflective and self-sustaining systems, etc.
Deployed Applications of AI or SE – papers that describe a deployed SE application in AI domain or an AI application in SE domain including nut not limited to robotics software development and recommendation systems in SE, etc.

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