For 69 years the Annual Conference for Protective Relay Engineers has provided the best available information on protective relay applications and technology. With the changes that have occurred in the electric power industry, including increased concerns over reliability and a business emphasis on efficiency and cost savings, the relay conference is even more important. Engineers tell me they have far less time today to familiarize themselves with available equipment and systems and must rely more than ever on manufacturers and outside contractors. Therefore, the networking and concentrated information provided during the relay conference is critically important in helping protection engineers understand new protection concepts, advances in equipment, and problems that have occurred in the application of systems and devices. Engineers interested in the design, application, and operation of protective relay systems and equipment will be challenged by a wide range of papers, panels, tutorials, and discussion forums that will help them do their jobs better! The planning committee of the conference works closely with representatives from manufacturing companies and operating utilities to select papers and presentations that are both practical and educational. Special tutorials are presented that provide new engineers with the basics and fundamentals. Utility presentations give application information that represents a valuable supplement to manufacturers’ specifications. At every level the planning committee seeks to strike a balance between innovative concepts and practical solutions to current problems. We are very pleased you have joined us for this important event. It is our hope that the Conference for Protective Relay Engineers at Texas A&M University will be added to your annual calendar on a permanent basis.
2024年03月25日 美国 College Station
2024 77th Annual Conference for Protective Relay Engineers2022年03月28日 美国 College Station
2022 75th Annual Conference for Protective Relay Engineers2018年03月26日 美国
2018 71st Annual Conference for Protective Relay Engineers2017年04月03日 美国 Texas,USA
2017年第70届继电保护器工程师大会2015年03月30日 美国
2015年第68届继电保护器工程师年度大会2014年03月31日 美国
2014年第67届继电保护工程师学术年会2013年04月08日 美国