




TVX is the ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for Television and Online Video. TVX is the leading international conference for presentation and discussion of research into online video and TV interaction and user experience. The conference brings together international researchers and practitioners from a wide range of disciplines, ranging from human-computer interaction, multimedia engineering and design to media studies, media psychology and sociology. In addition to standard research paper presentations the conference includes a wide range of formats for presentation and discussion of research, including Industry Papers, Demos, Works-in-Progress, and also provides the opportunity to participate in the Doctoral Consortium, and to run and attend tutorials and workshops on specialist topics in TV and online video interaction and user experience.



We solicit original submissions focusing on, but not limited to, the following areas:

  • content production: research on traditional and novel content production paradigms for the new media landscape. Including cross-platform services, interactive and transmedia storytelling, and personalization (user modeling and adaptive user interfaces)

  • systems & infrastructures: descriptions of the architecture, design, deployment, and evaluation of systems and infrastructures that support television and online video. Including delivery, transmission, and synchronization of media that leverages TV and online video experiences in a number of scenarios such as gaming, education, health care, etc.

  • devices & interaction techniques: descriptions of the design, architecture, usage and evaluation of devices and interaction techniques that enable e.g. a connected ecosystem of devices, creating valuable new capabilities for online video and television.

  • user experience & interaction design: studies on how people interact with online video and television and how such systems should be designed to provide most engaging and novel user experiences. Including novel user interface designs, user-centered design methods and approaches. Research that explores the social aspects of TV and online video, enabling a complex ecosystem of people communicating with each other in synchronous and asynchronous manners.

  • media studies: studies that aim to understand consumption practices and changing behavior, including research on ethical, regulatory, and policy issues. Including novel mechanisms for evaluating the impact of TV and online video, and audience measurements.

  • data science and recommendations: descriptions of advanced computational systems based on content and/or user generated data to support collaborative filtering, interactive/synchronous environments, collective intelligence and crowd-sourcing, or location-based and context-aware applications and services.

  • business models & marketing: research, practice and case studies around novel business models and marketing strategies for the new media landscape of TV and online video. Studies around novel ways of advertising models and strategies.

  • innovative concepts and media art: research on innovative design strategies, new concepts, and prototype experiences for TV and online video. Including case studies and media artworks and performances.Accepted paper submissions will be published by ACM and indexed by the ACM Digital Library. All submissions should follow the ACM guidelines (see ACM format template).

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  • 会议日期





  • 06月24日 2016

