




The continued success of service-oriented distributed applications has shown that tightly coupled software systems may be useful for niche markets, whereas loosely coupled software systems have proven to be more flexible, adaptive and often more appropriate for practical applications. 

Loose coupling makes it easier for a given system to interact with other system components (including legacy systems) that have been developed independently somewhere in a heterogeneous universe of services. Thus, service-oriented applications can evolve more easily during their lifespan and adapt better to changing or even unpredictable environments. In such scenarios, cloud computing enables a new execution paradigm for distributed software applications where resources can be shared, optimally realized as well as utilized and exchanged between heterogeneous execution platforms and the cloud, so as to achieve fast response times and to ensure immersive and non-interrupted user experience. 

Services today are developed independently, deployed as well as freely composed, and they can be implemented in a variety of technologies, a fact which is of particular importance from a business perspective. 

Similarly, cloud computing aims at enabling mobility as well as device, platform and/or service independence by offering centralized sharing of resources. It promotes interoperability, portability and security standards, and raises a completely new set of security issues. On the implementation side, essential agreement has been reached on integration technologies and consensus has emerged in today’s middleware market. Customers use Web technologies extensively; however, service developers, providers, and integrators need to create methods, tools and techniques to support cost-effective and secure development and use of dependable devices, platforms, services and service-oriented applications in the cloud. 



ESOCC 2016 seeks original, high quality papers related to all aspects of Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, which constitute the main technology available to date for implementing service-oriented architectures and cloud computing. 


SOCC Core 

  • Big Data Management 

  • Business Process Management and Services 

  • Cloud Computing Business Models 

  • Cloud Interoperability and Federation 

  • Cloud Services Management and Composition 

  • Dynamic and Adaptive Services 

  • Economic and Business Models for Services 

  • Enterprise Architecture and Services 

  • Energy issues in Clouds 

  • Identity and Access Management using Services 

  • Service Composition 

  • Service Governance 

  • Service Marketplaces 

  • Services Life-Cycles 


SOCC Engineering 

  • Agile Computing 

  • Architectural Models for Cloud Computing 

  • Big Data Management 

  • Frameworks for Building Service Based Applications 

  • Mashups 

  • Model-Driven Service Engineering 

  • Self-Organizing Service Oriented and Cloud Architectures 

  • Service Quality and Service Interface Design Guidelines 

  • Services Security and Privacy 


Internet of Things and Mobility 

  • IoT Services and IoT Clouds 

  • Mobile Clouds and Mobile Services 


Formal Methods for Services and Cloud Computing 

  • Compliance

  • Self-Organizing Services and Clouds

  • Service Composition

  • Service Modeling, Analysis, and Design

  • Service Science

  • Services Security and Privacy

  • Verification


Social Aspects

  • Crowdsourcing Business Services

  • Service-Oriented Business Collaboration

  • Social and Crowd-based Cloud

  • Technologies

  • DevOps in the Cloud

  • Emerging Trends in Storage, Computation and Network Clouds

  • Next Generation Services Middleware and Service Repositories

  • RESTful Clouds and Services


Core Applications

  • Commerce

  • Energy

  • Finance

  • Health

  • Scientific Computing

  • Smart Cities

  • Telecom

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  • 会议日期





  • 08月07日 2016

