




The field of Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE) has come a long way since the time Marconi and De-Forest conducted their pioneering experiments on radio and vacuum tube amplifiers. The pace of progress in this field accelerated with the advent of world wars and the cold war that followed. In the last twenty years, we have witnessed many significant developments in the domain of ECE which have completely revolutionized the manner in which the world lives, works and plays. These developments which include mobile telephony which enables people to remain connected at all times, seamless high speed wireless internet access, optical communication systems and networks, wireless sensor networks, creation of infrastructure to support e-commerce (to name a few) have occurred despite serious limitations in the form of limited spectral resources and energy limitations of mobile portable devices. These products and services have been made possible by parallel algorithmic and hardware/ software platform development. The past few decades have seen the development of many innovative and sophisticated algorithms which aim to effectively utilize scarce bandwidth (spectrum) and limited power resources of mobile terminals. The past few decades have witnessed the emergence of sophisticated algorithms to tackle many difficult problems and the hardware/ software platforms to realize these solutions in physical form. Many of these solutions have been realized as embedded and signal processing systems and have been realized using System on Chip (SoC) technology. An SoC system can comprise of several heterogeneous sub-systems including the following: a) RF front end comprising of compact high gain antennas and analog/ mixed mode circuits b) Digital circuits which perform the functions of communication, computation and control c) power management systems which include batteries and other new energy storage systems such as super-capacitors d) Circuits for power system automation e) System and application software without which these systems cannot function to their potential. The objective of the International Symposium on Electronic System Design (ISED) is to provide a congenial yet serious platform in which experts from academia and industry can interact with young researchers entering the fields of Electronics, Computer Science, Communication and allied engineering areas. Developments in this domain will have a large role to play in developing technologies for the future that have to be user friendly in addition to being eco-sensitive and energy efficient. It is hoped that interactions between experts and novices as well as research groups facilitated by this conference will make concrete contributions to advancing the state of art.



Overall, the event ISED 2014 will have the following 10 tracks: (1) Analog/Mixed-Signal System Design (AMS) – Mobile phones rely on extensive manipulation of analog and Radio Frequency (RF) signals for voice and data communication. This track considers research addressing Analog/Mixed-Signal (AMS) and RF designs needed for mobile and communications applications. Computer aided design (CAD) research contributions targeted towards analog/mixed-signal/RF will be considered. (2) Digital System Design and Validation (DSD) – The trends of integrating multiple functions on chips, growing technology complexity, and performance advances at low costs, demand innovative methodologies for their design. This track deals with research in design, modeling, validation, and testing of digital circuits and systems. FPGA prototyping of algorithms and other applications belong to this track. Hardwares and FPGA prototypes for communication and signal-processing architectures will be considered in this track. CAD research contributions on digital circuits and systems will be considered in this track. (3) Embedded System Design (ESD) – Typical consumer applications are designed as an embedded system potentially using hardware and software together for design tradeoffs. This track considers research in efficient hardware and software system-level design for embedded applications, as opposed to circuit-level hardware design only. FPGA prototyping of complete systems belong to this track. Communication and signal-processing system (i.e. software/ hardware-software codesign) architectures will be considered in this track. CAD research contributions on embedded systems will be considered in this track. (4) Emerging Technology and System Design (ETD) – The design of efficient electronic systems must take advantage of emerging computing paradigms and emerging technologies. This track includes the use of nanoelectronics, nanotechnology and Nano-Electro-Mechanical Systems (NEMS) for efficient electronic system design. Application areas such as green technology and battery design also belong in this track. CAD research contributions in the areas of emerging technology and emerging systems will be considered in this track. (5) Power Aware System Design (PSD) – Portable applications heavily rely on batteries as the main source of energy. This track considers research addressing energy-efficient circuit and system design, particularly emphasizing leakage power, as well as hardware and software techniques for power management. CAD research contributions for low-power design and power-aware design will be considered in this track. (6) Software System and Application Design (SSD) – Software plays a key role in controlling the hardware in addition to providing the user interface in embedded systems. This track focuses on energy-efficient software that can execute with minimal resource usage. Social computing, communications, and multimedia (image, audio, and video) applications also belong in this track.(7) Communication Systems and Networking(CSN) – Channel measurements and modeling,Coding and modulation techniques,MIMO – theory and trials,Spread Spectrum and CDMA systems, OFDM technology, Space-time coding,Ultra Wide-Band communications, Cognitive Radio,Antennas and propagation,Secure communications, Broadband Wireless Access, Next-generation Networks,Cross Layer Design,Mobile ad-hoc, Mesh, Cooperative, Sensor Networks, Home networking,Traffic modeling,Embedded Internet devices,New and enhanced services,Resource and Information Management, Adaptive QoS provisioning,End-to-end QoS,Emerging technologies,Optical Comm. and Networks. (8) Signal Processing and Applications(SPA) – Signal Processing Algorithms & Architectures,Smart antennas and tracking algorithms,Signal separation & identification,Adaptive and Array Signal Processing,Audio, Speech, Image & Video Signal Processing, Underwater Communications and Signal Processing,VLSI for Communication & Signal Processing,Non-linear and Biomedical Signal Processing,Spoken Language Processing,Unconventional Applications of Signal Processing, Compressive Sensing and Applications,Detection and Estimation Techniques Multimedia Digital Signal Processing for Mobile Healthcare, Multimedia in Mobile Computing:Issues, System Design, and Performance Evaluation (9) Power System Automation (PSA) – all electronics and communications required to automatically control the power system via instrumentation and control devices, Substation automation including Intelligent electronic devices (IED), control and automation capabilities within the substation, and control commands from remote users to control power-system devices. (10) Industry Forum (IF) – This track focuses on educational research and general education materials for guiding students in their future career, to enhance their employability, to motivate students to higher studies, and to advise young faculty for new research and career advancement. Various disciplines (or programs) of electrical sciences, including computer science, computer engineering, electrical engineering, electronics engineering, and communication engineering are targeted.
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  • 会议日期





  • 12月17日 2014


Sustainable Economic and Educational Development Society