




CanBIC-5 will take place in May 2015. I am delighted to welcome you to CanBIC, a small and specialised conference devoted to the biological chemistry of metals to be held in this wonderful setting. The development of ever more powerful techniques both experimental and theoretical has allowed research to delve in detail into this remarkable chemistry. Where science has had a few hundred years to refine chemical mechanisms, Nature has had a billion years and the results are staggering in their exquisite refinement, from the delicate tuning that allows iron to bind oxygen reversibly to the miraculous operation of the nervous system, there is much to study and then mimic synthetically. There is a downside in the toxic effects of almost all metals at some concentration. These effects too need detailed and careful study. The symposia offered over the three days in Parry Sound bring together scientists from across the world who directly research these areas - the location in the beautifully rugged Parry Sound, Ontario will foster discussion and collaborations. CanBIC in 2015 turns 5! We are delighted to celebrate this event with so many old friends and prof Harry Gray who will deliver the Plenary Lecture. Katie will perform as before. All our symposia leaders are ready to provide a spectacular programme as always (see the symposia menu). New this coming year "biofilms". For those loyal CanBIC participants we hope to add some extras - we know you have your rocks what more could you take home? Please check the new facbook page = www.facebook.com/canbic = to follow developments over the next 12 months. In 2015 we continue with the optional extra event for those who want to experience Georgian Bay on Saturday the 23rd May at the end of the conference. The Georgian Bay Day was extremely successful in 2011 and 2013 - despite torrential rain until the minute before we set 'sail' in 2011 and a strong wind in 2013 (see the fb /stillmanbioinorganicgroup page for a great photo)with 2 hours exploring the covers of the Killbear Park peninsular followed by 2 hours walking along the rocky shoreline guided by Park Naturalists, all topped off by a BBQ in the new Interpretive Centre. There will be a limit on the number of participants so please consider this option early when you register (January, 2015). Georgian Bay Day will be full of outdoor events and activities. We will have kayaks and canoes available to try - bring extra clothes, plus trail walking and a BBQ at the famous Killbear Provincial Park, just 20 minutes from Parry Sound. Welcome to CanBIC-5 and Parry Sound, as you start your summer feast of BioInorganic Chemistry!

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  • 05月23日 2015


The University of Western Ontario