
The 2024 IEEE International Conference on Computing and Complex Data (IEEE ICCD-2024) provides an excellent opportunity to engage in dialogues, present new ideas and share and exchange technologies and applications in multiple areas of Artificial Intelligence, Information Technology, Internet of Things, Cyber Security and Big Data. We welcome all professionals, engineers, academics, business pioneers, and industrial players worldwide to participate in this annual academic and research event. The ICCD-2023 will be the premier venue for novel cognitive computing approaches including algorithms, languages system, software system, network architectures, new devices and circuits, and applications. This is an interdisciplinary conference with participation from a broad technical community, emphasizing all aspects of the computing stack.



Prof.Dr. Yicheng Zhang    Academician of European Science, UK.

Prof.Dr. Zhen Liu    The Engineering Academy of Japan, Japan.

Prof. Liucun Zhu    Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

                                Ukrainian Academy of Engineering Sciences.

                                Advanced Science and Technology Research Institute of Beibu Gulf University.

Prof.Dr. Shangbing Gao    Vice-Principle of Huaiyin Institute of Technology, China.


Technique Chairman

Prof.Dr. Xiaobing Chen    Dean of the Faculty of Computer and Software Engineering, HYIT, China.

Prof. Qian Xie    Jiangsu Eazytec Co., Ltd. China.


Program Chairman

Prof.Dr. Jian Yang    Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China.

Prof.Dr. Yang Chen    Southeast University, China.


Publication Chairman

Dr. Jianchu Lin    Dean Assistant of the Faculty of Computer and Software Engineering, HYIT

Vice-Prof.Dr. Xin Ning    Institute of Semiconductor, China Academy of Science

Ahmed Abdalla    The Faculty of Electronic and Information Engineering, HYIT


Financial Chairman

Vice-Prof. Shaozhang Xiao    Direct of the Faculty of Computer and Software Engineering

Haiping Zhou    Jiangsu Eazytec Co., Ltd.


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ghamgeen I. Rashed     Wuhan University, China.  Ghamgeen@whu.edu.cn

Prof.Dr. Ahmed N. Abdalla      Huaiyin Institute of technology, China.  ahmed@hyit.edu.cn

Dr. Damhuji Rifai     TATI University College, Malaysia, Malaysia.   damhuji@tatiuc.edu.my

Dr. Moneer A Faraj Omar     Al-Mukhtar University Al-Baida, Libya.   Libya mod84_91@yahoo.com

Dr. Bian Haiyi      Huaiyin institute of technology, China.   bianhaiyi@hyit.edu.cn

Dr. Dr. Kharudin Ali     TATI University College, Malaysia, Malaysia.   kharudin@tatiuc.edu.my

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tiezhu Zhu      Huaiyin institute of technology, China.   jinmulu@163.com

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aqeel S Jaber      Al-Ma'moon University College, Iraq.   aqe77el@yahoo.com

Dr. Zhihua Shen Nantong      vocational university, China.   shenzh@mail.ntvu.edu.cn

Dr. Ge Bin      Nantong vocational university , China.   bge@mail.ntvu.edu.cn

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Xiao Wang      Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, China.   wangxiao@sust.edu.cn

Dr. Yiwei Liu      Xiangtan University, China.   yiweiliu@xtu.edu.cn

Dr. Nora Gavira-Durón      Universidad de las Americas Puebla, Mexico.   nora.gavira@udlap.mx

Dr. Meilinda Maghfiroh      Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia.   meilinda.maghfiroh@uii.ac.id

Dr. Virginia Maria Rădulescu      University of Craiova, Romania.   virginia.radulescu@edu.ucv.ro

Dr. Syed Usman      Air University, Pakistan. muhammadusman81@ce.ceme.edu.pk

Dr. Divya Acharya      Technical Lead at HCl Technologies, India.  divyaacharya099@gmail.com

Dr. Hanaa Salem Marie      Delta University for Science and Technology, Egypt.  hana.salem@deltauniv.edu.eg

Associate Professor João Marcelo Teixeira      Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil.   mxnt@cin.ufpe.br

Associate Professor Aditya Kumar Sahu      Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India.   adityasahu.cse@gmail.com;s_adityakumar@av.amrita.edu

Dr. Thanh-Tuan Dang      National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology,  Taiwan.   tuandang.ise@gmail.com

Dr. Iftikhar Ahmed      University of Engineering and Technology,   Pakistan.   ia@uetpeshawar.edu.pk

Dr. Yassine Himeur      University of Dubai, United Arab Emirates.   him.yassine@gmail.com

Dr. Tariq Rahim      Cardiff Metropolitan University, U.K.   tariqrahim@ieee.org

Dr. Burhan Rashid Hussein      Inria Of L'université De Rennes, France.   burhr2@gmail.com

Associate Professor Singara Singh Kasana      Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology Patiala,INDIA.   singara@thapar.edu

Dr. Dawit Aberra      Fort Valley State University,USA.  aberrad@fvsu.edu




The scope of ICCD-2023 covers all aspects of computing and applications, current or emerging. The topic of interest includes, but is not limited to:

 Image Processing and Pattern Recognition

This topic focuses on the basic research of image processing application, and committed to the research and development of image processing technologies, such as image segmentation, image enhancement, image denoising and image recognition, video pattern recognition and security monitoring, medical and material image processing, etc.

 Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Maps

This topic focuses on enabling computers to understand, generate, and process natural language, such as intelligent expert system, knowledge graph question answering, semantic search, knowledge distillation, etc.

● Internet of Things and Intelligent Control Technology

This main research contents include: smart cities, industrial control, smart agriculture, wireless sensor network, Internet of Things networking and transmission technology, digital health, smart grids, etc.

● Big Data and Blockchain Technology

The research of this topic is about the data mining, and data virtualizing, the blockchain technology and application, big data system, and distribution computing, cloud computing, complex data processing, etc.

 Intelligent Software and System

This topic focuses on the research of intelligent software, including but not limited to: software engineering, human machine interface software, expert system, software operation system, intelligence programming.

Cyber Security and Analysis

This topic covers a broad range of topics related to network analysis and security, including but not limited to: network security, cybersecurity, wireless and mobile network security, cryptography and cryptanalysis, network protocols and standards, network performance analysis, network optimization and control, social network analysis.

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  • 会议日期





  • 08月15日 2024


  • 09月30日 2024


Beibu Gulf University
Beijing Section
Guangxi Artificial Intelligence Society