2023 Global Conference on Information Technologies and Communications (GCITC) is an International Conference technically sponsored by IEEE Bangalore Section and Hosted by Reva University. It provides a platform for students and professionals from all around the world to share their findings in the fields of Engineering and Technology and others innovative Technologies. This year a special emphasis is to be placed on, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence automation technologies and robotics.
The scope of the conference includes, but not limited to, the following:
•Aerospace Technology
•Artificial Intelligence
•Antenna & Microwave
•Biomedical Engineering
•Circuits and Systems
•Data Science & Machine learning
•Machine Learning, Cloud and Date Analytics
•Computer Architecture & Systems
•Devices, Materials & Processing
•Multimedia Engineering
•Power & Energy
•Robotics, Control Systems & Theory
•Signal and Image Processing
•Software & Database Systems
•Wireless Communications & Networks
We invite you to attend GCCIT 2023 and suggest to your friends/ colleagues/students for research presentation.
Feel free to contact us at gccitconf@gmail.com com for further queries.