The 2021 IEEE International Electro/Information Technology Conference, sponsored by the IEEE Region 4 (R4), in collaboration with Central Michigan University (CMU) is focused on basic/applied research results as they relate to Electrical and Computer Engineering, Information Technology, and related applications.
Sponsor Type:2
R4 Conference Committee Rep to EIT
James Riess
EIT Conferences Founding General Chair
Hossein Mousavinezhad, Idaho State University
2021 Conference General Chair
Kumar Yelamarthi, CMU
Program Chairs
Ahmed Abdelgawad, CMU
Constantin Apostoaia, Purdue University Northwest
Hackathon Chairs
Subra Ganesan, Oakland University
Prasanth Yanambaka, CMU
Finance Chair
Steve Kerchberger, IBM
Professional Development Program Chair
Tarek Lahdhiri, General Motors
Exhibits/Industry/Sponsorship Chair
Hamid Vakilzadian, University of Nebraska Lincoln
Publicity Chair
Ahmed Abdelgawad, CMU
Local Arrangements Chair
Prasanth Yanambaka, CMU
Registration Chair
Prasanth Yanambaka, CMU
Publications Chair
Afshin Izadian, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
International Liaisons
Peter Dittrich, Hongwei Zhang, Hsiao-Hwa Chen, Deepak Puthal
Bob Evanich, Duke Energy
Awards co-Chairs
Sat Basu
Hossein Mousavinezhad, Idaho State University
Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning
Big Data Processing
Biomedical Applications, Telemedicine
Biometrics and Bioinformatics
Cloud, Mobile, and Distributed Computing
Computer Vision
Control Systems and System Identification
Cyber Physical Systems & Security
Distributed Data Fusion and Mining
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Engineering
Embedded Systems
Engineering Education
Intelligent Systems and Multi-agent Systems
Internet of Things
Machine Learning
Micro Electromechanical Systems
Optics & Photonics
Power Systems and Power Electronics
Reconfigurable and Embedded Systems
Robotics and Mechatronics
Signal/Image and Video Processing
Software Engineering and Middleware Architecture
Smart Grid
Sustainable Computing and Systems
Wireless communications and Networking
5G and Multi-Gigabit Communications
All presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings, and full papers will be published in IEEE Xplore.
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