The 2019 International Symposium on Medical Robotics (ISMR) will be hosted at the Academy of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia from April 3-5, 2019. This symposium will feature keynote and semi-plenary talks, oral presentations, and posters.
The goal of ISMR is to bring together world-class researchers to present state-of-the-art research achievements and advances in surgical robotics, image-guided interventions, rehabilitation and assistive robotics, and prosthetics, as well as discuss challenges from the clinical point of view and address industry needs. It is envisioned that medical robots will integrate emerging technologies including soft robotics, smart materials, ergonomics, co-robotics, and artificial intelligence in the near future, and these topics will be featured in the symposium.
Potential topics for the symposium submissions include, but are not limited to, state-of-the-art research achievements and advances in surgical robotics, rehabilitation and assistive robotics, prosthetics, image-guided interventions, haptics, the safety of robot-assisted procedures, training of medical personnel, and discussing potential challenges from the clinical point of view.
ISMR 2019 proceedings will be published by the IEEE and will be available online via
General Chair: Jaydev P. Desai (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Program Co-Chairs: Mahdi Tavakoli (Univ. of Alberta, Canada) and Ferdinando Rodriguez y Baena (Imperial College, UK)
Publication Co-Chair: Jayender Jagadeesan (BWH, Harvard University, USA) and Pietro Valdastri (University of Leeds, UK)
Local Arrangements Chair: Seth Hutchinson (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Awards Co-Chairs: Paolo Fiorini (University of Verona, Italy) and Antoine Ferreira (INSA Centre Val de Loire, France)
Publicity Co-Chairs: Arianna Menciassi (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy) and Elena De Momi (POLIMI, Italy)
Travel Awards Chair: Zion Tse (University of Georgia, USA)
Paper submissions and reviews will be handled through EasyChair. Instructions for preparing the symposium papers are available on the ISMR website and all submissions must follow the paper formatting instructions for IEEE conference proceedings that are available on the ISMR website.
The page limit for each submission is flexible. However, the paper material (including text, figures, tables, acknowledgement, etc.) must fit into 6 pages, while there is no page limit for the bibliography/references section (n pages). Papers exceeding the (6+n) page limit at the time of submission will be returned without review. All accepted and presented papers that follow the IEEE format will be included in IEEE Xplore. A PDF version of this call for papers is available here.
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