




Today, when developers design and implement AR or VR experiences for delivery in a fully self-contained application, they author original graphics and designate user interface parameters that evolve with context, but remain generally consistent throughout their apps. They may follow conventions and design guidelines for specific devices and interaction modalities, but, it is assumed that the user will stay in one app and control their experiences exclusively using the developer’s “packaged” user interface.

In the future, Web browsers will provide effective support for Virtual and Augmented Reality experience delivery, allowing access to various user interface paradigms ranging from traditional WIMP-style interaction over location-based AR to fully immersive VR and AR with full spatial tracking and semantic reconstruction of the environment. As they have grown accustomed to doing on the current Web, users of web-based Virtual and Augmented Reality will expect to control their exploration and enjoy a wide variety of experiences, without leaving the browser. They may experience, without running multiple simultaneous apps or “windows,” the interaction of the digital and physical worlds composed of content from multiple sources. Just as many current web sites support user-generated and user-edited content, and the ability to mashup elements from different sources, users of web-based Virtual and Augmented experiences may have the option to search for, combine and change the content they experience and to author new experiences. However, at present, developers of Virtual and Augmented Reality experiences face several challenges in realizing this vision of seamless experience delivery through the Web.

This workshop brings together experts from various domains such as Web technologies, computer vision, human-computer interaction or software engineering, to:

1. discuss the state of the Immersive Web

2. Discuss the possible paths to full support of new Web-based
• interfaces,
• interaction models and
• conventions compatible with Web-based Virtual and Augmented Reality.

3. Increase awareness in the research and development communities for the disruptive impacts of Web-based Virtual and Augmented Reality.

In advance of the workshop, registered participants will receive, by way of the workshop web site, recommended reading and other materials developed by the co-organizers.





The workshop will address open research issues, including, but not limited to:
• Authoring for diverse Web-based Virtual and Augmented Reality experiences (e.g. from handheld AR to fully immersive VR)
• Browser support for interaction paradigms and techniques that support seamless switching between various multi-source and single source Virtual and Augmented Reality representations
• Usage of low-level Web-browser technology (e.g., Web Assembly, Workers, WebAudio, WebGL) and decentralized Web protocols (e.g., IPFS)
• User interface layouts in dynamically reconstructed spatial environments
• Standards for accessing device poses, spatial information (e.g., semantic information about scene geometry), input / output capabilities
• Collaborative Web-based Virtual and Augmented Reality interaction
• Collaboration between users on a heterogeneous collection of devices (AR to VR, handheld to immersive head-worn displays)
• Privacy and security expectations of users when accessing the Web
• Policies, best practices and guidelines for Web-based Virtual and Augmented Reality experiences


This is an interactive workshop so the participants are invited to prepare short position papers, explaining current work, recommendations for future research, support for specific features, and concerns about potential obstacles to the adoption of the Immersive Web. We do not require papers to describe original, unpublished research but they should be designed to stimulate discussion. Product pitches or marketing materials will be declined.

Participant position papers should be 2-4 pages in length, submitted in PDF format and formatted using the ISMAR 2018 paper template provided on the conference submissions guideline page (these may change so check back shortly before submitting your paper).

Submissions should not be anonymized and the author names and affiliations should be displayed on the first page. At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop and register for at least one day of the conference. All accepted papers workshop’s papers will be published in the ISMAR 2018 Adjunct Proceedings and IEEE Xplore.

Authors of accepted papers will have the opportunity to briefly introduce themselves and their topics in 2-3 slides. Position papers will be shared with participants on this web site in advance of the workshop. Particularly interesting submissions may be given the opportunity for a longer presentation, at the chairs’ discretion, but the workshop time will be focused on structured discussion among participants.

Authors are invited to submit papers by way of EasyChair. Contributions must include at least one paper and can be accompanied by links to downloadable files containing supplementary materials.

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  • 10月20日



  • 07月26日 2018


  • 10月20日 2018

