
IEEE VIS is the worldwide largest and most important conference on Scientific Visualization, Information Visualization and Visual Analytics. It is the premier forum for advances in visualization in academia, science, government, industry, and beyond.

The IEEE VIS conference comes - for the second time - to Europe! Berlin is one of the most vibrant and interesting cities in Europe. It offers many cultural highlights, historic sites, touristic sightseeing as well as plenty of restaurants and entertainment around. Explore this unique city along with attending IEEE VIS! Despite being a hotspot, hotel and restaurant prices are still rather affordable in Berlin.

The conference will be held 21-26 October 2018 in the Estrel Hotel Berlin. It will include programs for students, academics, artists, industry and commercial practitioners, government researchers, and anyone with interests in visualization and data analytics. In recent years, the conference attracted more than 1000 participants from dozens of countries to a week of research presentations, tutorials, workshops, panels, demonstrations, posters and exhibitions.

We invite you to participate in IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), IEEE Information Visualization (InfoVis), and IEEE Scientific Visualization (SciVis), or one of the many additional events by sharing your research, insights, experience, and enthusiasm.




The IEEE Scientific Visualization (SciVis) conference solicits novel research ideas and innovative applications in all areas of scientific visualization. The scope of the conference, co-located at VIS with the annual IEEE Visual Analytics and IEEE Information Visualization Conferences, includes both fundamental research contributions within scientific visualization, as well as advances toward understanding or solving real world problems, or that impact a particular application in a significant way.

For the first time, IEEE SciVis 2018 will feature a separate short papers track with a submission deadline of June 13, 2018, i.e., after notifications for full papers have been sent out. This is the call for participation for IEEE SciVis short papers.

This call for participation is for regular full paper submissions (with abstract deadline of March 21, 2018, and paper deadline of March 31, 2018)


Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

Visualization, rendering, and manipulation of spatial data: scalar, vector, and tensor fields; multidimensional, multi-field, multi-modal, and multivariate data; time-varying data; regular and unstructured grids; point-based data; and volumetric data.

Foundations: visualization taxonomies and models; mathematical theories for visualization; perception (theory, color, texture, scene, motion); cognition; aesthetics; information theoretic approaches; knowledge-assisted visualization; presentation; production; dissemination; and visual design.

Systems and methodologies: system and toolkit design; topology-based and geometry-based techniques; feature extraction and pattern analysis; glyph-based, texture-based, pixel-oriented techniques; uncertainty, view-dependent, and illustrative visualization; visual storytelling; computational steering; sonification; collaborative and distributed visualization; and integrating spatial and non-spatial data visualization.

Large data visualization: parallel, distributed, cluster, and grid computing; high-performance computing on multi-core, GPUs, FPGA, and embedded devices; petascale and exascale visualization; scalability; visualization over networks; compression; multi-resolution techniques; and streaming data.

Data science: scalable data management on and off the cloud; storage and data analytics; information extraction and knowledge discovery from big data; statistical modeling; data mining; machine learning, including deep learning; clustering techniques; application of computer vision techniques; and visual steering for data retrieval.

Interaction: human-computer interaction for visualization; interaction design; coordinated multiple views; brushing & linking; focus & context; zooming and navigation; data editing, manipulation, and deformation; guided visualization; multimodal input devices; haptics for visualization; mobile and ubiquitous visualization; and interaction with visualizations in different display environments.

Display techniques: large and high-resolution displays; gigapixel displays; small displays; mobile devices; wrist and wearable displays; stereo displays; immersive and virtual environments; mixed and augmented visualization; and projector-camera systems.

Evaluation and user studies: task and requirements analysis; metrics and benchmarks; qualitative evaluation; quantitative evaluation; laboratory studies; eye tracking studies and studies with other physiological sensors; field studies; usability studies; design studies; validation and verification; crowdsourcing; and human computation.

Application areas of visualization: mathematics; physical sciences and engineering; earth, space, and environmental sciences; urban science; business and finance; social and information sciences; education; humanities; multimedia (image/video/music); robotics; sensor networks; cybersecurity; visualization for visualization research; visualization for the masses; terrain visualization; geographic/geospatial visualization; software visualization; bioinformatics; and molecular, biomedical, and medical visualization.

Please note that papers that focus on visual analytics might be a better match for the IEEE VAST Conference at IEEE VIS. Similarly, papers that focus on information visualization might be a better match for the IEEE InfoVis Conference, also at IEEE VIS. The papers co-chairs reserve the right to move papers between these three conferences based on topic and perceived fit.

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  • 会议日期





  • 03月21日 2018


  • 10月26日 2018

