




After the success of the Satellite at ECCS 2014 and CCS 2016, we would like to propose a follow-up Satellite always focusing on Robustness, Adaptability and Critical Transitions in Living Systems

Living systems are characterized by the recurrent emergence of patterns: power-laws distributions, long-range correlations and structured self-organization in living matter are the norm, rather than the exception. All these features are also typical of thermo-dynamical systems poised near a great point from physics is that criticality can emerge as a collective behaviour in a many-body system with simple (eg pairwise) interactions and its characteristics depend only on few details like the dimensionality or symmetries.

In a mere-mechanics approach, it is fundamental to determine the order parameter, which characterizes the different system phases. This is a step to obtaining the key ingredients needed to formulate a modeling framework, so as to obtain a better understanding of the system's Macroscopic Behaviour. However, the understating of biological/social systems needs more than a mere generalization of the standard.

Intervaling systems may demonstrate unique evolvability, scalability and adaptability properties.

It is of the importance of make further steps in the understanding of the main properties that simultaneously confer to these systems high level of both adaptability and robustness. If we can “learn” from evolution, then we would be able to both better manage/supervise These systems and also design more optimal and sustainable new systems.

  • Samir Suweis
  • Vasilis Dakos
  • Filippo Simini
  • Sandro Azaele



List of approved Satellites proposals:

1.Computational Social Science: from socio-physics to data-driven research on social complexity

Contact Info: Taha Yasseri taha.yaseri@gmail.com

2.Self-organized patterns on complex networks and the brain

Contact Info: Johanne Hizanidis hizanidis@physics.uoc.gr

3.Questions and Perspectives in Understanding Complexity via Nonlinearity and Information Theory

Contact Info: G.Cigdem Yalcin gcyalcin@istanbul.edu.tr A. Robledo robledo@fisica.unam.mx

4.Information Processing in Complex Systems

Contact Info: Rick Quax r.quax@uva.nl

5.Complexity of conflict and crime

Contact Info: Ignacio Martinez-Moyano and Ana Isabel Barros ana.barros@tno.nl imartinez@anl.gov

6.Complex Systems in Education: Questions, Methods and Implications for Practice

Contact Info: Dimitrios Stamovlasis stadi@edlit.auth.gr Matthijs Koopmans mkoopmans@mercy.edu Hiroki Sayama sayama@binghamton.edu

7.Extracting and analyzing networks from spatio-temporal data

Contact Info: Paul Expert paul.expert08@imperial.ac.uk

8.Evolution of Cultural Complexity III

Contact Info: Sergi Valverde sergi.valverde@upf.edu or Simon Carrignon simon.carrignon@bsc.es

9.Trade runner 2049: Complexity, development, and the future of the economy

Contact Info: Torsten Heinrich torsten.heinrich@maths.ox.ac.uk

10.DELVE: Digital Epidemiology and Surveillance

Contact Info: Daniela Paolotti daniela.paolotti@isi.it

11.Robustness, Adaptability and Critical Transitions in Living Systems

Contact Info: Samir Suweis samir.suweis@pd.infn.it

12.Dynamics on and of Complex Networks XI (DOOCN2018)

Contact Info: Rishiraj Saha Roy rishiraj@mpi-inf.mpg.de

13.UrbanSys 2018: Transport, Smart Cities, Complexity and Urban Networks

Contact Info: Jose Javier Ramasco jramasco@ifisc.uib-csic.es

14.First findings of the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Studies

Contact Info: Sacha Epskamp sacha.epskamp@gmail.com

15.Op-La-Dyn Understanding Opinion and Language Dynamics using massive data

Contact Info: Laura Hernandez laura.hernandez@u-cergy.fr

16.Complex Systems for the most vulnerable

Contact Info: Elisa Omodei eomodei@unicef.org

17.Complexity from Cells to Consciousness:Free Energy, Integrated Information, and Epsilon Machines

Contact Info: Brennan Klein klein.br@northeastern.edu

18.Machine Learning, Data Analytics and Modeling

Contact Info: Alfredo Morales alfredo@necsi.edu

19.Understanding Psychological Phenomena as Complex Systems

Contact Info: Jonas Haslbeck jonas.haslbeck@googlemail.com

20.Research Methods in Complexity Science & their Application

Contact Info: E. Mitleton-Kelly e.mitleton-kelly@mitleton-kelly.org.uk

21.Statistical validation methods for complex systems

Contact Info: Giacomo Livan statistical.validation@gmail.com g.livan@ucl.ac.uk

22.New methods and epistemologies to explore simulation models

Contact Info: Juste Raimbault juste.raimbault@iscpif.fr


Contact Info: Yérali Gandica ygandica@gmail.com

24.Economic Fitness and Complexity

Contact Info: Andrea Zaccaria  and.zaccaria@gmail.com

25.BrainComputing: Theoretical Neuroscience and its Applications

Contact Info: Marco Javarone marcojavarone@gmail.com

26.(CollAB2018) Collective Animal Behavior: Analyses and models of animal movement and interaction

Contact Info: Víctor M. Eguíluz and Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad collab2018@easychair.org

27.Physics of Self-Organization in Complex Systems:
The role of fundamental physics principles, information and entropy in the change of complexity

Contact Info: Georgi Georgiev ggeorgiev@assumption.edu


We invite you to submit a max. one-page abstract including one (not mandatory) descriptive figure and caption no later than June 26th, 2018

Submissions are required to include the following information: 
- Title of the contribution 
- Author(s) and affiliation(s) 
- e-mail address(es) 
- Name of the speaker. 

Please, indicate your preference for one or more of the following categories to present your research: 
Regular Talk 
Ignite Talk 

Submissions will be evaluated and selected by the Program Committee members. They will be graded accordingly to the following criteria:
- Interest of the proposal respect to the topic of the workshop.
- Novelty of the research.
- Priority will be given to junior researcher ( Ph.D. students and post-docs).

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  • 会议日期





  • 06月27日 2018


  • 06月27日 2018


  • 09月27日 2018


Aristotle University of Thessaloniki