




Sustainable Agriculture is Designed to Produce High Quality of Foods  and Fibers not only to meet the needs of the present but also to preserve natural resources to meet the needs of future generation. Under sustainable agriculture system, many good practices have been implemented  to promote  soil health and fertility, minimize use of water, minimize used of inorganic fertilizer and synthetic pesticide, lower pollution,  minimize greenhouse gas production, and maximize the use of agricultural waste. The system offers creative, innovative and inclusive breakthrough for producers, workers, traders, food processors, distributors, retailers, consumers, waste managers, and  policymakers to develop economically profitable and environmental friendly agriculture.

Many sustainable practices of agriculture have been implemented in all agricultural sectors to  produce variety of grains, tubers, vegetables, fruits, meats, fishes, eggs and milks and other products to meet the need of people dietary and food preference. Food system under sustainable agriculture could increase food security wherein  people have all time  access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary  needs and  food preference. Therefore, people are encouraged to accept and implement  innovative and economically viable  breakthrough offered by the system to achieve and sustain food security and food sovereignty. Researchers from many expertize and discipline have been playing important roles in the development of technology to support the implementation of sustainable practices in all sectors of agriculture.

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Food Security and Sovereignty aims to bring together scientists,  educators, researchers and practitioners to share their ideas, experiences and research results, practices and innovation on all aspects of  Sustainable Agriculture.

All prospective authors are invited  to contribute to submit their original and unpublished paper that address the conference theme: “Creative, Innovative and inclusive agriculture for the sustainability of food security and sovereignty”. 


Steering Committee   :

Prof. Anis Saggaff
Prof. Prof. Andy Mulyana
Prof. Dr. Ir. Rindit Pembayun, M.P
Prof. Dr. Ir. Rujito A. Suwignyo, M.Agr
Prof. Dr. Ir. Dedik Budianta, M.Sc.
Prof. Dr.Ir. Filli Pratama, M.Sc.


Scientific Committee
Prof. Nikki Dagamac (Landscape Ecology and Plant Biodiversity, University of Greifswald, Germany)
Dr. Nurul Huda (Food Industry, University of Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia)
Dr. Iin Handayani (Soil Science, Murray State University, USA)
Dr.-Ing. Ahmed Ali Hassan (Irrigation and Hydraulics, Ain Shams University, Egypt)
Dr. Benyamin Lakitan (Agronomi, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia).
Dr. Tarkus Suganda (Phytopathologist, Padjadjaran University, Indonesia)
Damayanti Buchori, PhD (Agricultural Entomology, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia)
Totok Agung DH (Plant Breeding, Jenderal Soedirman University, Indonesia)
Triwinarni Agustini,PhD (Fish Product Technology, Diponegoro University, Indonesia).
Dr. Kurniatun Hairiah (Soil Science, Brawijaya University, Indonesia)
Dr.sc.agr. Aiyen Tjoa (Soil Science, Tadulako University, Indonesia)


Keynote Speaker:
Prof. Dr. Helmut Erdmann (Flensburg University of Applied Sciences Germany).
Prof. Dr. Benjakul Soottawat (Food Technology, Prince Songkla University, Thailand).
Prof. Dr. Hiroshi Ehara (Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, Japan).
Prof. Dr. Winfried Storhas (Manhheim University of Applied Sciences, Germany)


General Chair :
Suparman SHK (Sriwijaya University)


General Co-Chair :

Arfan Abrar (Sriwijaya University)
Desi Aryani (Sriwijaya University)
Riswani (Sriwijaya University)
Tanbiyaskur (Sriwijaya University)




Topics of interest to be presented in the conference include, but are not limited to:
• Agricultural Production
• Agricultural Economics
• Agricultural Environment
• Agricultural Biotechnology
• Agricultural Engineering
• Agricultural Product Technology
• Agricultural Community Development and Empowerment
• Animal Sciences
• Aquaculture
• Hydrology and Irrigation
• Food Safety and Food Technology
• Fishery Product Technology

Abstract and full paper submission
Abstract should be concisely written in a single spacing paragraph of not more than 300 words. It outlines background of the research, description of the methodologies, major findings of the research, and conclusion. Four to five keywords are added below the abstract, arranged alphabetically and separated by commas. Please follow abstract template for format and other abstract requirements.

Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit full paper and complete the registration by paying the registration fee. Please follow guidelines in full paper template for formatting full paper.

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  • 会议日期





  • 07月20日 2018


  • 08月05日 2018


  • 10月18日 2018


  • 11月10日 2018

