




In addition, partitioning knowledge into distinct modular structures is central to organize knowledge bases. Also, represented and reasoning about context is essential for correct exploitation of modules and reasoning in changing situations. Finally, evolution of Knowledge resources is an important factor influencing the meaningfulness of stored knowledge over time.

Considering these emerging needs, the 3rd International Workshop on Ontology Modularity, Contextuality, and Evolution (WOMoCoE 2018) offers the ground to discuss current work on practical and theoretical aspects of modularity, contextuality and evolution of knowledge resources. The workshop aims to bring together an The conference topics interested in its topics both from a theoretical and formal point of view and from an applicational perspective.

We are proud to annouce that WOMoCoE 2018 will be collocated with  KR 2018 . This October, looking forward to see you in Tempe, Arizona!


Program Committee

  • Stefano Borgo, ISTC-CNR, Trento

  • Paolo Bouquet, University of Trento

  • Valeria De Paiva, Nuance Communications

  • Thomas Eiter, Vienna University of Technology

  • Javier D. Fernández, Vienna University of Economics and Business

  • José M. Giménez-García, Université Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne

  • Pascal Hitzler, Wright State University Ohio

  • Adila A. Krisnadhi, Universitas Indonesia

  • Oliver Kutz, Free University of Bozen/Bolzano

  • Maxime Lefrançois, École des Mines de Saint-Étienne

  • Axel Polleres, Vienna University of Economics and Business

  • Thomas Schneider, University of Bremen

  • Luciano Serafini, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento

  • George Vouros, University of Piraeus




Workshop Topics

The workshop includes, but is not strictly limited to, the following topics:

Modularity in knowledge resources

  • Modular ontology and knowledge representation languages

  • Modularity in reasoning: incremental and distributed reasoning

  • Modularity in ontology engineering: ontology modules reuse and publishing

  • Algorithms and implementation for module extraction

  • Ontology design patterns for modularity

  • Modularity in ontology and data visualization

  • Modularity in KR applications

  • Theoretical and cognitive aspects of modularity

Representing and facilitating context in the knowledge resources

  • Representing context in knowledge resources

  • Ontologies for modelling contextual information

  • Capturing contextuality in KR standards

  • Reasoning with contextual information and metadata

  • Matching, combining and disambiguating knowledge resources with contexts

  • Contextuality in KR applications

  • Formal aspects of context acquisition, representation and interpretation.

Evolution of knowledge resources

  • Definitions and algorithms for belief change in ontologies, and knowledge resources

  • Reasoning and planning with evolving ontologies and data sources

  • Evolution in ontology management: merging, versioning, alignment, integration

  • Fault diagnosis and repair in ontologies and data sources

  • Resource archiving and versioning

  • Ontology transformation and ontology transformation patterns

  • Evolution of knowledfe resrouces in applications

Submission Requirements

WOMoCoE welcomes regular research reports, but also reports on significant work in progress which has already achieved some interesting partial results, as well as papers after submitting or publishing elsewhere. Survey papers and position papers are also welcomed.


Submission Guidelines

WOMoCoE welcomes regular papers (including surveys), position papers, but as well extended abstracts of works published elsewhere:

  • Regular papers  (12 pages): Original research reports, including work-in-progress reports, and surveys on topics of the workshop.

  • Position papers  (6 pages): Presentation of interesting new open issues and challenges, and opinions on the status of the field, that would trigger interesting discussion at the workshop.

  • Extended abstracts  (1–4 pages) of relevant works has been published or submitted elsewhere. Submissions should also include the original paper in the appendix for sake of review (only extended abstracts will appear in the workshop proceedings).

The indicated maximal paper length includes references. All papers must be formatted using the Springer LNCS style:

To submit the paper, follow the link:

  • TBA

All submitted papers will be subject to blind (but not double-blind) peer-review process. Accepted papers will be presented either as oral presentations or as posters, depending on the choice of the program committee.

At least one co-author of each accepted paper is required to register for KR, to attend the workshop, and present the paper in person.

All accepted papers will be made available in the form of informal online workshop proceedings. More information about publication plan will be posted soon.

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  • 10月29日



  • 07月16日 2018


  • 07月21日 2018


  • 08月25日 2018


  • 10月29日 2018

