


Scientific Tree has come into being with a noble mission and a cause. In today’s world, sharing of scientific knowledge, research findings, dissertations, demonstrative laboratory procedures, methods, and strategies within the scientific community in general and people at large has become a necessity. It is towards this end, Scientific Tree organizes scientific conferences year after year bringing all the scientists of the world on a single platform where they can share their knowledge, wisdom, scientific treatise, experiences and experiments on subjects crucial to human existence and their wellness and well-being. Presently Scientific Conference is conducting a Conference at international level on Obesity & Weight Loss.

When excess medical fat accumulates in the body to the extent of affecting the body with ill-health on account of being overweight is called obesity. Obesity is a medical condition and has inherent risks in reducing the life-expectancy of a person or causing more health problems with serious diseases like osteoarthritis, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, certain types of cancer, and so on. Obesity has detrimental effect on all systems, including the reproductive health. The prevalence of Obesity has increased and is especially high in infertile women, suggesting an association between infertility and obesity. Maternal obesity has adverse effects on pregnancy leading to increased risk in various chronic and other infectious diseases. Obesity is measured through Body Mass Index (BMI). Obesity is caused by several factors such as excessive food energy intake, sedentary life, medications, psychiatric illnesses, or genetic susceptibility etc. Nearly 70 percent of the people in the world suffer from obesity. Weight loss techniques and weight management regimen is the only solution for curing obesity.

This conference discusses new trends, new discoveries, and new approaches, the advance technologies in combating obesity and gynecological risks through weight loss techniques.  Why there is a continuous rise in obese people in the world. Why more people are prone to infertility. Why obesity and overweight is becoming an epidemic worldwide. What are the advanced developments in weight loss techniques and how it helps in combating obesity? There will be discussions, debates, lectures, live-wire interactions, keynote addresses, plenary talks, poster sessions, workshops, and symposia etc. You can learn more about obesity, maternal morbid obesity, PCO’s and the role of weight loss techniques and how it eliminates obesity. This Conference is aimed at enhancing your knowledge further which we are sure is going to help you in your profession and career.

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  • 会议日期





  • 07月25日 2018

