




which will be held at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, in Iasi, Romania from 19th to 22nd of  October 2017.

The conference aims to promote international cooperation in the field of Economics and Business Administration in Higher Education. GEBA 2017 will provide an International Forum for the presentation and discussion of recent work on different aspects of globalization.

GEBA 2017 is not only a forestage to present novel research; it also gives opportunities for new emergent ideas in economic science arising from both fundamental and cross disciplinary approaches to globalization phenomenon.

We are delighted to announce that Professor Gareth Myles, Ph.D. (The University of Adelaide - Australia) and Professor Jean-Bernard Chatelain, Ph.D. (University Paris 1, Pantheon Sorbonne and Paris School of Economics - France) confirmed their participation at GEBA 2017 Conference as  keynote speakers. Gareth has been Professor of Economics and Head of the School of Economics since January 2017 and a Research Fellow at the Institute for Fiscal Studies in London since 1998. He is a Managing Editor of the Journal of Public Economic Theory and was managing editor of Fiscal Studies from 1998 to 2013. Jean-Bernard has been Professor of Economics at Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne and Paris School of Economics since 2008, after previous positions at Université Paris-Nanterre, Université d'Orleans, Banque de France and CEPII. He is member of the Institut Universitaire de France and co-manages the European Research Group (GDRE) in Money Banking and Finance since 2004.

A selection of the best presented papers will be published in two special issues of the journals edited by our Faculty: Review of Economic and Business Studies, journal accredited by the National University Research Council (CNCSIS) and indexed in international databases (RePEc, CEEOL, ICAAP, Ulrichs', Copernicus) and Journal of Public Administration, Finance and Law, indexed in international databases (RePEc, CEEOL, Ulrichs', Index Copernicus, EBSCO). The authors of the presented papers will have the oportunity to publish their work in the Conference Proceedings that will be submitted to Thomson Reuters for indexing and abstracting in the ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index.

In addition to updated information on the conference, the conference website provides useful tourist information for the delegates.

We look forward to seeing you in Iasi!




The conference aims at bringing together academics and researchers from various fields with a keen interest in globalization challenges for higher education. At the same time, the conference will provide a venue for an interdisciplinary debate on economic globalization. The organizers hope that the contributors will provide a valuable overview of the current trends in academic research within a larger context of the global impact on society and economy. The presenters are encouraged to emphasize on the role of education and research in Economics and Business Administration in an attempt to offer a better and more insightful understanding of globalization.


Being an inter- and multi-disciplinary conference, we encourage papers covering topics including but not limited to:

  • Higher Education: Trends, Challenges and Emerging Opportunities
  • Higher Education during Global Crisis: The New Global Learning Framework
  • Social, Economic and Political Dimensions of the Global Crisis: Implications for European Union
  • Cycles, Crises and Global Economy
  • Quantitative Analysis under Global Challenges
  • Globalization and Business Information Systems
  • Impact of Globalization on Finance and Banking
  • Global Context of Financial and Accounting Reporting
  • Marketing within the Triad: University - Business Environment - Society
  • Globalization and Sustainable Development - Challenges and Trends in Organizational Management Services and Business Communication
  • Citizen-Oriented Best Practices in Public Administration
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  • 会议日期





  • 09月01日 2017


  • 09月14日 2017


  • 10月22日 2017

