




The AEA, in conjunction with 59 associations in related disciplines known as the Allied Social Science Associations (ASSA), holds a three-day meeting each January to present papers on general economics topics.


The AEA, in conjunction with 59 associations in related disciplines, assembles over 13,000 of the best minds in economics to network and celebrate new achievements in economic research. This is the premiere event to share your work with colleagues.

Members wishing to give papers or organize complete sessions for the program for the meetings in Atlanta are invited to submit proposals electronically to AEA President-Elect Dr. Ben Bernanke via the American Economic Association website. While papers covering a wide array of topics in economics will be included on the 2019 program, Dr. Bernanke especially encourages proposals on policy-relevant topics.

To be considered, individual paper proposals (with abstracts) and up to two Journal of Economic Literature bibliographic codes in rank order should be submitted by April 1, 2018. The deadline for complete session proposals was April 15, 2018. At least one author of each paper must be an AEA member. All authors of papers on a complete session must join the AEA if the session is selected for the program.

Please make certain your information is complete before submission. No changes will be accepted until a decision is made about inclusion on the program (usually in July). Do not send a complete paper. The Association discourages multiple proposals from the same person, and under no circumstances should the same person submit more than two proposals.

Some of the papers presented at the annual meeting are published in the American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings. The President-elect includes at least three contributed sessions (12 papers) from among those submitted in response to this Call for Sessions and Papers.
All submitted papers, whether individual or part of a session, must have at least one author who is a member of the AEA. The Association discourages multiple proposals from the same person, and under no circumstances should the same person submit more than two proposals.
Submit complete information; no changes are accepted until a decision is made about inclusion in the program (usually in July). Do not send a complete paper until selections are made. Abstracts should be 300 words or less.
Proposals for complete sessions have historically had a higher probability of inclusion (35–40%) than papers submitted individually (10–15%). Individual paper contributors are strongly encouraged to use the AEA's Econ-Harmony website to form integrated sessions. Proposals for a complete session should be submitted only by the session organizer. Sessions normally contain three or four papers.

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  • 01月06日 2019


Allied Social Science Association