


From hundreds of international & regional conferences in Assisted Reproduction Medicine field, the 3rd UEARS is back again with the Cutting Edge Scientific program to foster innovation, collaboration & filling the gap between science & practice. Attracting well over 1,500 in UEARS 2017, targeting 2500 Registrars in 2018 to remain, year over year, the premiere conference for vast and varied Assisted Reproduction Community which will contribute positively towards updated & advanced techniques to overcome such challenges.

The Organizing Committee have immense pleasure to cordially invite you to attend the 3rd Upper Egypt Assisted Reproductive Conference (UEARS 2018), held from 21st to 23rd February 2018 at Marriott Cairo Hotel, Egypt.
UEARS 2018 main theme is Translational Research in ART: Basic Science to Improve Clinical Practice. As the theme implies, it shall be exciting the reciprocation of groundbreaking notions in the field of “Assisted Reproduction” with iconic mixture between International & Egyptian scholars.

The Conference aims to feature leading state of The Art Lectures from KOL scientists, plenary lectures, interdisciplinary symposia, workshops, Hands-on, oral and poster sessions for all the participants to facilitate discussions on diagnosis; improve access and quality care; optimize the coordination of service providers; and foster high impact clinical research to expedite improved medical treatments. The conference mainly aims at the education of the medical community and dissemination of reliable information to at-risk populations. We hope to inherit the outstanding tradition of the UEARS and develop further values to shrink the Gap between science & clinical practice.

UEARS 2018 mission to link all areas of assisted reproduction and infertility with all their sub-disciplines by bringing the opinion of top leaders in the field to in-depth discussions on the unyielding issues in our rapidly progressing profession.

UAERS 2018 will be hosted at Cairo which is a vibrant, exhilarating, exotic, fascinating and welcoming city. Home to the best Pharaonic , Coptic and Islamic sights in Egypt, this city is where you never know what incredible, half-forgotten monument you might stumble across while wandering around the place where the Nile divides into the Delta; wherefore it came to pass that the city with unique Nature & peaceful atmosphere.

We look forward to seeing you in UEARS 2018, Cairo, Egypt.”

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  • 会议日期





  • 02月23日 2018

