
The 2017 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI 2017) will take place at EXCO Convention Center, Daegu, Korea on November 16 - 18, 2017. This is the 13th conference to be held annually since it began first in Las Vegas in 1994. Excellent research works have been contributed to MFI conferences, which inspire lots of researchers with novel and creative ideas.  MFI 2017 will give you a good chance to share research results and theories from the world.

MFI 2017 theme will be “Multisensor Fusion and Integration in the wake of Big Data, Deep Learning and Cyber Physical System”.  Practically, autonomous vehicles, machine learning and intelligent systems require the integrations based on the heterogeneous networks of sensors and actuators. MFI has provided fundamental theories and tools for implementing intelligent devices. We will deal with how the multisensor fusion and integration technologies are applied to smart machines, which mark the beginning of things to things integration and human to machines integration.

Daegu is located in south-east Korea about 300 km distant from Seoul. As the fourth largest city in Korea, it is a central hub to lead to the four UNESCO designated World Heritage Sites, where beautifully preserve the sacred land of Buddhism and Confucianism. Daegu focuses on fostering textile fashion and high-tech industries, as well as supporting contemporary art. Most of local cities are connected to Daegu with its outstanding interchange-transportation network. You can get convenient access to the city from Incheon airport by KTX train, express bus or air. You can extend your experience to the roots of Korean culture and world-classed exhibition and convention services.





Under the theme of “Multisensor Fusion and Integration in the wake of Big Data, Deep Learning and Cyber Physical System”, MFI 2017 covers broad topics related to multisensor fusion and integration, including but not limited to:

  •  Sensor/actuator networks

  •  Distributed and cloud architectures

  •  Bio-inspired systems and evolutionary approaches

  •  Methods of cognitive sensor fusion

  •  Bayesian approaches

  •  Fuzzy systems and neural networks

  •  Biomedical applications

  •  Autonomous vehicles of land, sea and air

  •  Localization, tracking, SLAM

  •  3D perception

  •  Manipulation with multifinger hands

  •  Robotics

  •  Micro/nano systems

  •  Information fusion and sensors

  •  Multimodal integration in HCI and HRI


The organizers seek original, novel and innovative papers containing experimental results and theories within the conference topics. Papers addressing topics related to the conference themes should be submitted electronically via PaperPlaza below in the indicated format and length below. You can also submit a video as a supplementary material along with your manuscript, for instance to demonstrate your experimental results.
All contributed papers will get through a peer-review process. A manuscript will be reviewed by at least two referees, who will leave review comments. When the paper is finally accepted in oral or interactive presentation, the author should submit a revised final version that reflects reviewers’ comments. All accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings on IEEE Xplore. 

The contents of the manuscripts should not be submitted simultaneously for any other else publications in conference or journal. All submissions will be checked by the iThenticate tool for plagiarism and self-plagiarism. In case of plagiarism or self-plagiarism, all results will be reported to IEEE for further investigation.

Contributing PDF file must conform to the manuscript preparation guidelines. In particular, you should use the provided templates and check the PDF for compliance within PaperPlaza

PDF file: A manuscript file needs to be converted into its PDF version for submission with the limitation of 5 Mb.
Paper format: Two-column format in the IEEE style is required.
Page length: For the initial review submission, a manuscript can be up to 6-8 pages. For the final manuscript submission, a manuscript should be up to 6 pages, with 2 additional pages allowed but at an extra page charge of US$ 180 per page.
Optional multimedia materials: a video file can be added to supplement contributed papers, be limited to 3 minute play, mpeg file and maximum of 10 Mb. You may upload the attachment during submission.
Templates and IEEE eXpress compliance: See guidelines on manuscript preparation in PaperPlaza.

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  • 会议日期





  • 07月10日 2017


  • 09月10日 2017


  • 10月10日 2017


  • 11月18日 2017


Korea Robotics Society