IEEE GHTCE 2012 大会日程安排及会议手册

2014-07-31 15:59:18 浏览:1270


- 注册

- 开幕式

- 论文研讨会

- 午餐

- 论文研讨会


- 高峰论坛

- 午餐

- 高峰论坛

- 颁奖仪式

- 招待晚宴


- 论文研讨会

- 午餐

- 作者交流会: 如何写作IEEE CE Transactions和Magazine的论文

- IEEE国际消费电子学会深圳分会筹备会 (免费入场, 欢迎参加)

- GOLD活动


高峰论坛 (2012年11月19日):




09:30-10:00 开幕致辞

Stephen Dukes 院士(IEEE国际消费电子学会主席)

王学为 先生(高交会组委会副主席;深圳市政协副主席)

Stefan Mozar 院士(IEEE国际消费电子学会副主席、已当选下届主席)

10:00-10:30 主题演讲:“存储人生,你就是Zeta级大数据未来的一部分”(“Storing Your Life, You're Part of the Zetabyte Future”)

Thomas Coughlin 博士(IEEE国际消费电子学会副主席;IEEE美国西部地区已当选总监)

This presentation discusses the drivers for consumer digital storage, the different mobile and static usage models for digital storage in consumer devices and the resulting consumer storage hierarchy. Important characteristics of consumer storage devices are shown and guidelines are given for how digital storage should be designed in consumer devices. Demand for higher resolution content and for capturing ever greater details of the life of family members will drive increases in commercial as well as personal content storage demand. Sharing of content within a home or over the Internet creates much greater demand for storage since a shared file can be multiplied many times through network sharing. Implementation of a virtualized integrated storage utility into most homes with appropriate ease of use, suitable for consumers, will benefit customers by providing greater access to data as well as enhanced content protection using local as well as remote storage.

10:30-11:00 主题演讲:“模数转换器的一种新的高效实现”(“A New and Very Efficient Way to Implement Analog-to-Digital Converter”)

Nicholas Vun 教授(IEEE国际消费电子学会新加坡分会联合创始人;IEEE消费电子杂志编辑)

11:00-11:30 主题演讲:“消费电子领域知识产权的战略分析”(“Strategy and Investigation of Intellectual Property in Consume Electronics”)

T. Gary Yip 博士(电子系统知识产权分析师;产品分析与系统集成咨询师)

11:30-12:00 主题演讲:“云计算与标准”(“Cloud Computing and Standards”)

Stephen L. Diamond 先生(IEEE云计算战略委员会主席;EMC全球工业标准总经理)

12:00-14:00 午餐及午间休息

14:00-14:30 主题演讲:“蜂窝无线通信的技术挑战”(“Technology Challenges for Cellular Wireless Communications”)

Larry Zhang 博士(IEEE国际消费电子学会上届主席;IEEE Spectrum杂志中文版顾问委员会委员)

Since the emergence of the cellular phones in the 1980s, the cellular wireless technology and consumer electronics landscape have changed dramatically. Semiconductor cellular chipset and wireless RF development and research have moved from 2G GSM/EDGE, 3G WCDMA to 4G LTE/WiMax and beyond. Device complexity has moved from many chips to modules to system on a chip (SOC). This technology evolution has experienced many technology challenges and innovations that will continue. These challenges come from the silicon technology for device manufacturing, design, test, functionality and speed requirement for higher data rate; the software development challenges for signal processing, usability, voice, video, data, graphics processing, and big data; the integration challenges also come from improving the efficiencies for all the resources and layers for wireless communications.

14:30-15:00 主题演讲:“UL2755,集装箱式数据中心(推动云服务的新引擎)的新安全标准”(“UL2755, the New Safety Standard for Containerized Data Center (New Engine to Boost Cloud Services”)

Chris CH Lin 先生(UL计算机及外设产品全球业务拓展经理;UL高技术产品大中华区业务拓展经理)

15:00-15:30 主题演讲:“车载系统的新挑战”(“New Challenges in Vehicular Systems”)

张津诗 先生(北京中科红旗软件技术有限公司嵌入式事业部总经理)

15:30-16:00 主题演讲:“DSP技术和消费电子设备,究竟谁在引导消费者?”(“DSP Technology or Consumer Electronics Devices, who is leading Consumer?”)

Sharon Peng 博士(IEEE国际消费电子学会财务部长;Harman首席视频工程师兼数字硬件经理)

16:00-16:15 茶歇

16:15-16:45 Distinguished Lecture系列演讲:“‘玻璃构成的一天’——未来图景的挑战与机遇”(“'A Day Made of Glass' – A Vision for an Enabled Future: Challenges and Opportunities”)

Zachi Baharav 博士(IEEE国际消费电子学会杰出演讲人;Corning West技术中心研究员)

Corning’s “A Day Made of Glass” video was posted to in February, 2011. Since then, it has been viewed more than 19 million times, received more than 11,000 comments, and about 64,000 ‘likes!’ The vision depicted in the video resonated with many viewers as it describes a not-too-far-away future that is very optimistic in nature and promises to make our lives easier.

In this talk we will describe how the vision proposed in “A Day Made of Glass” keeps on evolving, and the various technological efforts Corning and others are leading to make it a reality. We will cover various aspects of this issue ranging from the front end user interface, enabling technologies and the whole ecosystem needed to make it a reality.

16:45-17:15 主题演讲

Stefan Mozar 院士(IEEE国际消费电子学会副主席、已当选下届主席)

17:15-18:15 颁奖仪式

19:00-20:30 招待晚宴

作者交流会: 如何写作IEEE CE Transactions和Magazine的论文 (2012年11月20日):



Meet with editors of the IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics and the IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine:

  • Larry Zhang (Past President, IEEE Consumer Electronics Society; Member, IEEE Spectrum Chinese Edition Advisory board);
  • Nicholas Vun (Co-founder, IEEE Consumer Electronics Society Singapore Chapter; Associate Editor, IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine).

IEEE国际消费电子学会深圳分会筹备会 (2012年11月20日):





GOLD活动 (2012年11月20日):




If you are graduates of the last ten years, or students about to graduate (IEEE members and non-members), you will be cordially invited to attend the GOLD event at GHTCE 2012.

Join us for a visit to, a top 3 mobile phone software platform in China and a Cantonese style dinner. We will drop you at a famous place of interest in Shenzhen - "Windows of the World" after dinner. (admission tickets are not included)

Enjoy being outside after spending most of the day in the meeting room,

Get together with fellow researchers and have a good time.

And the best is:


IEEE Consumer Electronics Society wants to bring together the recently graduated members, especially those of the last ten years.

If you have graduated within the last ten years, or you are about to graduate, you are invited to join us.

Sign up by sending an email to Dr. Xiaogang Peng ( until 10 AM Monday, Nov. 19th.

Please leave your name, and contact info

  • 会议日期





  • 10月10日 2014


  • 10月31日 2014


  • 11月19日 2014

