62 / 2021-06-01 09:14:10
Preparation and properties of hardwood pulp/modified polylactic acid fiber composite paper
hardwood pulp,polylactic acid fiber,surface alkali treatment,mechanical property,contact angle
Ce Sun / Shaanxi University of Science and Technology
Ting Chen / Shaanxi University of Science and Technology
Xue Jiang / Shaanxi University of Science and Technology
MeiYun Zhang / Shaanxi University of Science and Technology
XiuZhi Tian / Shaanxi University of Science and Technology
The advent of plastic products has brought a lot of convenience to people's production and life, but the production of plastic products on the one hand depends on the limited petroleum resources, the discarded polymer products have also brought disaster to the environment. The development of biodegradable composite materials can alleviate the consumption of petroleum resources by plastic products and completely solve the environmental problems caused by white pollution. Hardwood pulp-polylactic acid composite paper was prepared from hardwood pulp fiber and polylactic acid (PLA) fiber by wet molding technology. Research on the effects of the addition ratio of PLA fiber and the alkali treatment of PLA fiber on the properties of composite paper, and the morphological structure of composite paper was observed. The results indicated that compared with the untreated PLA fiber, the mechanical properties of the composite paper are slightly improved, the loose depth of the paper is obviously decreased, and the contact Angle and the whiteness of the paper are not significantly affected by the surface alkali treatment. With the increase of the content of PLA fiber, the tensile index of composite paper decreased continuously, while the tear index increased and then decreased, and reached the highest value when the mass fraction of PLA fiber was 20%, which was 18.4% higher than that of pure hardwood pulp paper. The surface contact Angle of the composite paper expands with the increase of the content of PLA fiber. When the content of PLA fiber reaches 80%, the surface contact angle is 110.3°, and the surface hydrophobicity of the paper is obvious. Due to its excellent biodegradability and hydrophobicity, hardwood pulp/polylactic acid fiber composite paper is expected to replace plastic products in the food packaging field in the future and become the main material in the food packaging industry.
  • 会议日期





  • 11月16日 2021


  • 11月18日 2021


  • 11月18日 2021


China Paper Industry Technical Association
South China University of Technology